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Hello there, sir-
"Why were you gone for almost two weeks, (L/N)?" Aizawa huffed. You returned to school not too long ago, already regretting that decision. You stayed silent as Aizawa sighed. "Don't even answer, I already know. I had a talk with Yaoyoruzu and the rest of your classmates."

"It seems to me some of your classmates think you're allied with Kirishima, because you're in a romantic relationship with him, right?" He asked. You nodded hesitantly. "These classmates consist of Kaminari, Hagakure, Yaoyoruzu, Jirou, Ojirou, Shouji, Sato, and a few others. Of course problem children one and two, their little squads, Tokoyamai, and a few others believe you and Kirishima."

"Problem children?" You asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Bakugou and Midoriya," Aizawa deadpanned.

"I understand you were angry, but that there was no need to not show up for two weeks straight," Aizawa scolded. "Unfortunately, I have to give you a punishment. You'll be under house arrest for four days." "Four days?!" You shouted, standing up. Aizawa narrowed his eyes. "Don't raise your voice at me," he hissed. "Sit back down, and I'll continue." You sat.

"Think of this punishment lenient. I could give you something much worse, but I'm not feeling up to it," he continued. "You are not to leave the school premises until your four days are over. You may go out, as long as there's someone with you. I will assign you a person to keep track of you, and that person will be Yaoyoruzu."

"Her?!" You snarled, venom lacing your voice. "Look, she's the vice representative, and Iida already agreed with me that she would be a responsible supervisor," your teacher deadpanned. "C'mon, Aizawa! Anyone but Yaoyoruzu!" You pleaded. But Aizawa's mind was set. "I know you two are in some drama, but that's for you two to settle. She agreed that she'd watch over you."

You growled under your breath as Aizawa's eyes seemingly softened. "Get back to the dorms. Your friends are worried about you," he muttered, zipping up his yellow sleeping bag and landing on the floor with a soft thud. 

You sighed, highly regretting the decision to come back. You were probably going to get a scolding with Iida, knowing him. Gossip and rumors have possibly been spread all over U.A because of your disappearance for the last two weeks.

You stood up as Aizawa's soft snores filled the teacher's lounge. You opened the door into the hallway, and immediately became angrier. "Why the hell are you here, Monoma?" You hissed.

The blonde laughed, letting you know he heard the entire conversation. "Well, well, well," he started, his grey blue eyes fixating on your angry form. "Class A is actually popping out villains. First that rock version of Tetsutetsu, now you. Isn't it amusing?"

You growled darkly, your eyes narrowing. "What's wrong? I've always known Class B has been better. Who'll be next, I wonder?" He taunted. "None of us are villains. And don't you dare call Eijirou one," you hissed. "Oh? Getting defensive are-" he was cut off by a harsh chop to the neck, as he dropped to the ground. "(L/N), I am dreadfully sorry about him," Kendou whispered, Tetsutetsu next to her, cracking his knuckles.

"Can I pummel him?"

"No, Tetsutetsu."


"Thank you, Kendou," you replied. She nodded solemnly to you, having Tetsutetsu grab Monoma by the back of his shirt. "I know you and Kirishima would never become villains, even with all the rumors," she said. "Yeah! Kirishima's my manly bro, and I know you're too sweet!" Tetsutetsu agreed.

You smiled softly at the steel user, him grinning in return. "We'll let you go, (L/N)," Kendou said, her lips twitching up at the corners. You nodded, waving at her and Tetsutetsu before walking towards the dorms.

Inked Heart - Mafia!Kirishima x GN!ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu