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TW: This chapter contains physical rage, alcohol, knives, and other things that may be a trigger. Read at your own risk.


Bakugou watched as Kirishima repeatedly hit his fist into a wall until his knuckles bled. Chunks of broken glass bottles littered the carpet of his living room, barstools of his kitchen; ripped apart, the wooden legs thrown about the room, and the walls destroyed with holes and splatters of blood. Cabinets and draws were ripped open, knives in the wall, and the marble countertop scratched. The redhead's built-up rage spewed over in destruction.

Bakugou watched in horror as his level-headed friend destroyed everything he could, screaming strings of swear words and curses. Was now a terrible time to mention that Class 2-A and Aizawa were arriving at his house soon to start the mission? Most definitely.

"Calm down, Kirishima!" The blonde yelled, rolling up his sleeves to his elbows and attempting to put his friend in a chokehold. Kirishima's body shook with rage, and his fingers dug into his older friend's tense forearm.

Kirishima's adrenaline slowly disappeared, deep inhales and exhales hissing through his sharp teeth. Once his friend was calm, Bakugou let him go. Kirishima stood up straight and adjusted the red tie he had on. He took a deep breath before placing himself on the ripped open creme-colored couch with his head in his hands, elbows on his knees.

Bakugou didn't know what to do. This side of Kirishima was new to him. He was still slightly trembling with rage.

Bakugou harshly slapped him on the back of his head. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" Kirishima shouted. "For being a dumbass! The only way we can get (Name) back is if you keep a level head and get your shit together!" The blonde shouted in return. He hit the nail on the head. Kirishima's angry look turned to one of calmer thinking before focusing. "Yer right, I can't sit around here breakin' shit while they're out there havin' who knows what done to 'em."

Bakugou sighed in relief. "Finally," he said as a knock came at the door. "'M surprised you invited 2-A to come along on this mission; ya hate almost everyone in our class," Kirishima said, heading towards the door. "I- wait, how the fuck do you know I brought our damned class here?" Bakugou questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"'M not as stupid as I used to be," the younger male replied. "Ya kept glancin' at the door like yer expectin' someone, so I just assumed." Another knock sounded as Kirishima moved to open the door. When he did, he noticed class 2-A standing in lines next to each other, Shinsou and Taiga second to front. He quickly sent glares at the feline, who flinched and looked down, his ears against his head and tail hanging low. Shinsou reached over and brushed his arm in comfort. Aizawa and Principal Nezu were at the very front. Mina and Sero were towards the middle back, sticking their heads out, smiling, and waving at him.

"Don't mind the mess," was all the redhead said before allowed entry. He turned away to the living room to stand next to Bakugou.

The class entered: expecting dirty dishes, a somewhat messy living room, and slightly dirty countertops. They weren't expecting holes in the walls, broken glass, the stench of alcohol, and blood-stained carpets. Kirishima seemed embarrassed about it, so the class kept their gasps. Momo, however, kept muttering about how much of a filthy animal he was. A glare from the redhead quickly shut her up. "We're here to discuss gettin' (Name) back, not you tormentin' me on my own home," Kirishima hissed.

He took in a breath, his hardened temples gradually transforming back into his original skin. "Follow me; we have a plan," he said. "Who's 'we'?" Asked Aizawa. "I guess you'll figure that out soon enough," the redhead responded, leading the heroes to a door off of the hallway.

"A garage?" Shinsou asked. "Leave the questions for later," Kirishima muttered. Tool drawers were closed as he moved to put stuff away, throwing oily rags in the garbage and sweeping up any oil dry. The car he was working on was well taken care of, polished and waxed with leather seats and tinted windows. "Step away from the car," he said, motioning for the group to back up. He pressed a button, which lit up a keypad, then entered the correct coding.

A soft mechanical whir came through the silence as the metal platform the car was on started sinking underneath the flooring as a metal railing came up out of the ground around the blank area. The class watched as it went down, turning and moving into a spot, gaping at the other expensive sports cars of many colors that were kept neat by license plate numbers. As the platform moved into its significant location, another platform, further down the cylinder of cars, took its place, quickly rising to fit the spot in the floor that was empty. It had a

The railing disappeared, and Kirishima motioned the large group onto the platform. It was a tight fit, but he made it work. A large keypad sat on a stand, Kirishima typing rapidly. As he clicked the last key, a hole in the platform opened up to his right, and a smaller, staff-looking platform came up out of it with a large red button on the top of it. He hit the button, and a railing came up on the platform as it started to move to the bottom.

When it reached, the railing disappeared, along with the stands. The male took the lead in walking down the dark hallway that was present. As he stepped, lights began to turn on, illuminating the walls. At the end of the hall was a door with a keypad with numbers 0-9 and a facial scanner.

When security was complete, Class 2A stepped into a room full of computers, cameras, and other advanced technology. Kirishima sat in the office chair in front of several monitors and a keyboard, typing quickly.

"Tenjin, call Dad," Kirishima spoke. "Calling: Dad," replied the computer. A ringtone rang through the speakers surrounding the room, a significant beep when Papa Kirishima answered his call.

"Eijirou, what's the matter? You hardly ever called me on the computer unless it was important," Eichii spoke through the device. "It is important, Dad," the younger male replied. "We have a plan to get (Name) back."


Class 2A was stunned at how many people were in the Red Mafia. They were all armed with guns, knives, and other blades, completely jacked, with faces full of seriousness. They arrived on the outskirts of Kaminari Territory, moving through the woods to find an entrance.

"Kirishima," Todoroki whispered. The redhead looked up, along with the rest of Class 2A and the men who worked for him. "I think I found something," the half 'n half male continued. He found something alright.

A pressure plate, covered by dirt, grass, and moss in front of a large oak tree was what he found. "I'm not stepping on that thing," Sero said uneasily. "For all we know, it could be some sort of trap," Midoriya added.

One of Kirishima's men stepped up to the plate, placing a heavy log on top of it. There was a click, and the tree trunk opened up into a hollow tunnel followed by a ladder. The man went down aways; before calling it safe for the rest to go down. One by one, the small army of heroes and vigilantes crawled down the tunnel and into a larger, open area.

"Guys, we found it," Kirishima said with a grin.


Apologies for such a short chapter.

Quick announcement: Inked Heart will be ending soon. Brace yourselves.

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