Summer Special Part 1

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⚠️ There is a mention of murder and I guess you could say slight peer pressure(?) from Kami, sexual(?) harassment, and mentions of what this mafia does. I will put ** to mark where it begins and ends. ⚠️

Also, I ship it. ⬆️
You groaned as you stretched your arms high above your head as Mina pounded her fist on your dorm door. "Mina! What?" You huffed, walking towards your door. "It's summer break! Are you staying with Kiri again?" She asked once you opened it.

"Yeah, probably. You know my parents and their traveling, so it's a high possibility," you answered. Mina nodded as she helped you pack up a bag for the next two weeks. "Oh! Also, Kaminari was complaining earlier that you blocked him. Why's that?" She asked.

You visibly flinched before a dark shadow cast over your eyes. "He was harassing me two weeks ago when I went to go see my parents," you mumbled. "He kept demanding for a date before Eijirou showed up and so I left with him. During my date with Eijirou, Kaminari kept texting me, still demanding for a date. So I blocked him."

Mina was silent for a few minutes before speaking once more. "Kaminari just needs to learn the word no when it comes to you," she admitted. "He gets really jealous whenever he sees Kirishima with you, or whenever you talk about him. Kaminari's still trying to convince us to convince you to stop hanging out with Kirishima so you can hang out with him instead."

You swallowed the bile that rose in your throat. Kaminari was definitely starting to make you uncomfortable. "Is Kaminari making you uncomfortable?" Mina asked, as if she read your mind. You nodded slowly as you zipped up one of the bags you had finished packing. "I'll see if I can knock some sense into him. Or I'll get Bakugou to do it," Mina huffed, angry that Kaminari was harassing you.

"Anyway, Eijirou is gonna be here soon to pick me up at the gate. Let's just drop the topic for now and talk about something else," you concluded, ready to get Kaminari off your mind. Mina nodded, agreeing that the tension should leave the air.

As you finished packing, you went downstairs, conversing with Mina about random things. **You tried your best to ignore Kaminari as he came up to you, but he was too persistent.

"C'mon, (Name), talk to me," he huffed. "Stop calling me by my first name, Kaminari," you hissed. "Wha? Why? It's not hurting you," he grumbled. "I don't care. Stop saying it. We're not close, and never will be. So stop saying my first name," you snapped, sending a glare his way.

Kaminari only rolled his eyes before trying to take your bag from you, before Bakugou snatched it away. "Leave them alone, Dunce Face. Can't you see that they're uncomfortable? Or are you that blind you can't fucking see it?" The older male sneered. Kaminari grit his teeth before walking away, probably to rant to Shinsou, who could care less.**

"Thanks, Bakugou," you mumbled as he handed your bag back to you. "You really need to learn how to fucking punch him in the face. If he's bothering you, then make him stop," the blonde huffed. You smiled softly and nodded, knowing you couldn't pull that off. "Come on, (Y/N)! Kirishima's gonna be here soon!" Mina groaned, growing impatient with your chit chat. You laughed softly before nodding, letting Bakugou walk in front of you and Mina to the side.

You saw Kirishima's car at the front, him standing outside of it in casual clothing, his hands behind his back. He smiled when he saw you, and took your bags from you and put them in the back carefully. "Hey, Doll," he greeted, ruffling your hair. You smiled at him in return as he kissed your forehead. Bakugou made a fake vomiting sound as Mina squealed. "You guys are too cute!" The pinkette chimed.

"(Y/N), when you two have kids, can I be the godmother?" She asked. "Sure- wait. Kids?!" You exclaimed. You heard Kirishima chuckle from behind you as he kept his arms wrapped around your waist. "Mina! We're seventeen!" You shouted.

Inked Heart - Mafia!Kirishima x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now