Chapter 7: old reunion

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No one's POV

(Alert Titanfall signatures detect)

Up in the sky just above orbit hovered a IMC cruiser. Pods launched from it as they descended from the heavens to ground below.

Y/n was on immediate guard as they readied their cannon. How did the IMC get here? Why are they here? So many questions and yet no answers existed. The pods blew open as five titans landed near y/n.

In the sky three dropships jumped from orbit as marines and specters were deployed to assist the Titans.

"Five titans, 45 marines, and 25 specters." Y/n spoke to himself as they approached the lone mech.

"Y/n. It's been sometime how have you been old friend?" A voice called out to y/n. One which sparked an immediate familiarity to it.

One titan stood in front of the rest. It was a ronin class titan with markings of the apex predator. Eyes glowed a blood red revealing their malicious nature.

This titan's name?

Raubtier: blinking death

"I'm surprised to see you still standing after the cruiser blasted you through that portal

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"I'm surprised to see you still standing after the cruiser blasted you through that portal. How was the fall?"

Y/n remembered. The battle launched y/n to this earth where everything was different. Where no titans but mechs existed. Such unfamiliarity but still they survived.

"What was that portal? I have never seen anything like it."

"General marder's latest invention aside from you and me was to blame. Ah the wonders of technology."

"Why are you here Raubtier?" Y/n asked still heavily on guard.

"General marder and us found your signal. Trying to find your militia comrades. He sent us to retrieve and he stated: 'I want the mech either in pieces or while I care not just retrieve it.' He still pissed about you being stolen."

When the Militia rescued y/n they destroyed the lab and the data to try and slow down their progress. But In the end it was only a matter of time.

It then that a marine interrupted their conversation.

"Y/n-5555 you are to be returned to IMC custody surrender yourself and your weapon or we will use force." The marine says as they all arm their weapons.

"Your outnumbered and outmatched y/n it would be easier just to surrender but knowing you, you would still fight. That's my sister for you." Raubtier says as he readies his weapons.

"Now I'm going to give you two choices you can take us all on at once or you can pick one to duel if you win we might let you walk away alive. Sound fair?"

Y/n never replied only revving their cannon was their response.

"I knew it. Always the stubborn one you were y/n. Hans go bring her in will you?"

Hans was a scorch class titan much of the same symbols and markings of Raubtier. But their metal armor was warped in the style of a modern day juggernaut.

"I'm going to have fun melting you into scrap little bot." Hans laughs as he readies his weapon.

Y/n said nothing as they rushed forward firing their cannon. Hans never flinched as he laughed. The shots never affect him as they were simply brushed off.

"I thought I felt something there. Is that all?" Y/n rushed up to hans and planted the cannon right his optical sensors and fired repeatedly until the clip ran out. As the dust began to settle a fist covered in flame landed on y/n's hull destroying its left arm and severely damaging its left leg.


"Looks like using a g1 titan chassis wasn't such a good idea. But the scientists were in charge not me. But I got to say they made the right choice using and old body like that. Easier to contain. Come on let's get y/n back home." The titans begin to carry y/n to a drop ship for pick up.

Such poetic irony to die where you were born. Those were the thoughts flowing through y/n's mind as they carried it to the ship.

"Cruiser Savannah this is titan Sharpshot we have the package and are extracting over." The northstar titan spoke as they communicate with the cruiser in orbit.

This was the way y/n's journey ends huh?

"Alright let's get going let's board the ships and get-" the marine interrupted when one of the dropships was shot down.

"Contact! Contact! Get to cover!" Or is it?

They looked to the source and arriving from the south came the IS pilots. Thirteen in total they began to circle the IMC troops before spotting y/n In it's damaged state.

"Listen up we have you surrounded surrender now and we won't have to hurt you. Turn yourselves in for questioning and all will be fine!" One of the pilots spoke.

Raubtier growled in annoyance. Turning to his titan comrades he spoke once more with clear intent.

"We don't have time to deal with flies. KILL THEM ALL!!" He shouts as he lets the shot fly.

The titans, marines, and specter begin firing at the pilots causing the to break off and avoid the incoming fire. In retaliation they shot back they began to target the specters carefully gunning them down and switching to electro rounds to stun the marines. With elegant movements and precise aiming the forces were being diminished.

Sharpshot aimed its tail gun and shot down a IS causing her to crash in the mountain side nearby.

Raubtier took its sword and destroy a wing on another pilot's mech. Ms. Orimura took her sword and stabbed through one of the fuel tanks on Hans' back and using the spark to ignite it causing heavy damage to Hans.

"Agh dammit they're fucking smart I'll give them that. I too damaged I need repairs!"

"My thrusters are shot I can't take off!" Northstar intervened.

"Dammit! Everyone fall back to the dropships."

"Those flies got y/n! We can't get to her!" The ion Mirror spoke.

"Forget y/n we need to get out of here! We always have next beside I can't say the same for her pilot though haha!" Unfortunately hey managed to escape to orbit where the cruiser took off through the portal out of sight.

In the aftermath the remaining pilots tended to the wounded and found y/n on the brink of death. The leader ms. Orimura called for medical vehicles and cargo vehicles to carry y/n to safety.

"Alright everyone rest here evac will be here shortly in the mean I need mechanics to help keep this machine alive." They gather around y/n who was dazed and confused.

Ms. Orimura placed her hand on y/n's chassis and spoke.

"Don't worry your safe now. We're gonna get you out of here."

"W-w-w-who ar-re you-u?"

"Please save your energy we'll have time to talk when your not dying."

Time passes before the helicopters can be seen in the distance. They strap y/n up to a cargo plate and they carry him off to safety. A new chapter has begun but will y/n be able to learn what it means to be human?

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