Chapter 3: signals

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Night is beginning to fall the time is now to move up to the signal tower within the city to contact the militia fleet. I look outside the windows to see that the sun has fallen.

I head outside as I begin to climb the buildings. Due to my light weight chassis I won't break the brick and concrete. This will alllow me to move without making footprints. I slow down so that I can climb high buildings and I look to where my servos are placed so that I don't lose my balance.

I reached the roof and I look at the city. It was a sight to behold. It looks similar to the Militia homeworld. My optics spot the signal tower and move once more.

"Almost there once I link I can-" I stop and I hid in the shadows due to a helicopter flying around. It's searchlight was looking in my direction. I waited for it to move and soon after it did.

It was strange I checked the navigational schedule for tonight. None said anything about helicopter patrols. Maybe they know of me. If so then I need to hurry.

I continue to run evading any and all helicopters that I came across. Finally the tower was in sight. I was on a much taller building. This would be a problem since all of the walls were windows.

I would need to climb with twice the speed if I am able to link in with little trouble. Alright here we go.

Wind: 2 knots, heading 176

Range: 40 meters

Mass: 550.67 kilograms

Ready, set, mark.

I begin running across the rooftops until made the jump. Time seemed to slow down to mere hours. As the windows approaches I extended my servos out making claw formations to latch onto the walls.

I made to the building fortunately. Unfortunately however the impact and shattered glass will attract attention I must be quick to climb to the top.

"Commencing ascend."

With each climb more and more eyes begin to look up. It feels like the world will see me soon enough.

??? POV

I burst into the control room with everyone on high alert.

"What's goin on!?" I shout out to them. One of them comes up to explain everything to me.

"Ms. Orimura! There's a large robotic entity climbing Mitsako Tower!" They pull up a feed from one of the helicopters to reveal the robot.

"I knew something was off! Call all available units to stop and capture that bot!"

"Yes ma'am!"


I can here the sirens and helicopter blades all around me. The tower I made it. I climb to the roof and begin searching for any control boxes. I spit one as I insert my servo connecting my main interface with the tower itself.

All numbers and codes are inputted I begin transmitting the distress signal.

'To any and all members of the Militia fleet, this is y/n-5555. I am damaged and in need of evacuation. I do not know where I am. I am transmitting my coordinates as well as this message. I am still functional and I am in need of assistance.'

I waited. For what seemed like hours I waited. All I ever received was static. No one answered. I'm all alone. What am I going to do now?

My thoughts were cut short after numerous mechs surrounded me. It must be those IS pilots. I looked down to see many police and military forces surrounding the tower.

"Surrender now pilot! You have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide! Make this easier for all of us and turn yourself in for questioning!" One of the pilots said.

Current objective: failed

New objective: survive

I can't end here. Not like this. I'm taking the risk. I pull out my cannon and I fire at the pilot in front of me. One of her thrusters is gone as she plummets to the ground. Using the opening I leap from the building onto the rooftops as I begin my escape. The other pilots give chase as they try to incapacitate me.

I activate my thrusters for a boost of speed as I try to evade the searchlights of the helicopters. A pilot lands in front of me and readies her sword. In response I increase my speed even further. The pilot grows intimidated as she jumps to the side but not before I clip one of her wings. With my right servo.

Three more hover above me as the block my escape the rest surround me as I am cornered. It seems I'm done for. They all ready their weapons as one comes to deactivate me. In this moment I used my last resort. I activated both my vortex shield and rocket salvo firing in every direction.

The bullets I caught I sent in the direction of my escape incapacitating the three pilots. Finally I released electric smoke as I jumped of the building and into the woods.

I finally escaped and I ran to the warehouse.

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