Chapter 6: hope falls

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Estimated 5 miles away from designated target. Radio station waypoint nearly reached. My objective was close to completion. To know the status of the militia fleet and my pilot is paramount.

If I can find a way I may help to fight against the IMC. For the next few miles I walked along the mountainside. As I ascended the temperature began to further decline into harsh winter winds.

"Radio tower located!" My destination is within reach. I hurry with a haste towards the destination.

The end of my was now within sight. Voices began to speak once more. The very from my dreams. The ones were they speak of experiments and evolution. They were so familiar but I cannot remember their faces or their names.


'The experiment is a success we are ready for mass production.' The voices spoke again.

'Excellent humanity's evolution is within sight we shall ascend to the next phase and look towards the future.'

They speak of topics familiar yet unfamiliar all at once. Evolution? Humanity? What purpose did I serve?

'We are under attack! Militia forces have breached the facility!' I hear gun fire and explosions all around me.

I remember being disoriented and confused. Then she came. My pilot. The one who rescued me from the IMC.

'Don't worry your safe now let's get you out of here.'


'Stop them don't let them take the test subject!'

Flashback end

It was when I was rescued by the Militia. When I was linked to my pilot. And from there was fought the IMC battle by battle. Hoping to bring a brighter future to the frontier that was my Pilot's hopes and dreams.

She was born on a colony that was massacred by IMC forces because they resisted their rule. Only she survived. I do not remember who I was before but my mission the was the same. To serve the Militia and to protect my pilot.

Those were my mission.

Finally I arrive at the radio array. It is old and in disrepair but it remains functional. I link with the main console as I activate the relay and speak once more.

"To any and all Militia fleets among the stars this is y/n-5555. My coordinates are."

No one's POV

There was commotion within the IS academy. Ms. Orimura and other pilots were being deployed.

"Listen up! That machine is using an old radio array in Mongolia our orders are surround and detain the machine." She says to all active pilots.

"Yes ma'am!" They all reply at attention. This was unlike anything they have encountered before. This machine was quick and intelligent. Those at the city tower can attest to that. But what struck them as odd was that the machine never attempted to kill them it only disoriented them and escaped.

One of the pilots finally asked the question that plagues all of their minds on this very matter.

"Ma'am may I ask. What does this machine want? Why is it calling out I thought A.I wasn't sentient in this age?"

Ms. Orimura held a hand to her chin as she pondered this very question she has asked herself.

"I don't know but what I do know is that this machine is lost and if we can help it then maybe we can learn from it. Now no more questions! Let's move out!"


I scanned for any sign of Militia signals out in the vast space of the universe. I received nothing I began to lose hope. Under I received a signal I tuned in to clear up the static it was on Militia channels!

"Come on please clear up. I need to know. Please work with me."

I pleaded to myself hoping that this would finally give me the answers I seek. Finally I broke through and the channel was clear. I was happy to hear the voice of my pilot until every came to a stop as a message began to play.

"This is IMC we are proud to announce that the war is finally over. We have emerged victorious. The Militia and their terrorist organization is over. Peace have finally come to the frontier and we may finally work towards an everlasting peace.

To any and all remaining Militia soldiers listening to this broadcast. You have lost. Surrender your to the IMC and we promise that your execution will be swift and painless. Resist and we won't be so merciful once we catch you. Your time of terror is over. Peace has been saved thanks to us." The message repeats.

Time seemed to have been put to a halt as I processed the words spoken by the message.

"The militia. . . . . . Lost? They're. . . . . . . . Dead?" I fell to my knees.

It was a lie. It had to be a lie. My pilot's hopes and dreams. They can't die like that. She must still be alive! But how do I reach her? Can I reach her? Or did I really fail? The messages appeared in my vision.

"Protocol 1: link to pilot- failed

Protocol 2: uphold the mission- failed

Protocol 3: Protect the pilot- failed"

All protocol have been failed. I have failed.

No one's POV

Y/n has lost its last hope. The militia has lost. It was now all alone in this vast universe. Unsure of what to do now y/n just lays there berating itself for not protecting the Militia or it's pilot.

The only logic course of actions was shut down mode. To permanently die and never see the light again.

"Initiating shut down sequence. I am sorry pilot. I have failed you. I have failed everyone."

It's consciousness began fading to black when death's gentle embrace was about to grasp it.


It's hud began lighting up with warning messages. But y/n did not care for it had no more reason to.

"Alert incoming objects detected."

It must've been those IS pilots coming to capture y/n. Let them. There is no more use of y/n anymore. Will they try to revive y/n? Will they scrap it for parts? Who knows but it won't matter in the end.

The message blared again. But this time it said a different alert.

"Alert! Titanfall signatures detected above orbit.

Designation: IMC."

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