"Yes, I-I was," he mumbles. "I-I don't really know anymore. I came here hating Kacchan and thinking that he was a villain. Scary, most certainly! But I loathed him, and it seems like I was the only person who did, because everyone else only seemed to adore him. I hate him for taking me away from the streets and leaving the only place I'd ever known. I hate him for separating me from my mother, and that he made me feel more worthless than I am, because the fact that I could be replaced by a mountain of cash or that cash was worth more to her than myself hurts. Then he did n-nothing to save my best friend, or the people on there who suffer and beg for food. I've been feeling nothing but guilty recently, because I get to have a three-course meal, whereas others get weekly pieces of bread. I don't think anyone here understands what goes on outside these walls of luxury.

"Then there's the fact that you all respect him. I know about Shigaraki and Endeavour, where everyone lives under their reign in fear and worry, and I thought the exact same for Kacchan for as long as I could remember. But everyone seems so relaxed around him, as if he weren't scary or he could murder anyone who disobeys him. And yes, there are still people who fear him, but all the advisors seem perfectly okay with him, as if his glares and growls are materials for light banter. None of you seem uneasy around him, you and Jiro in particular! You're both Betas, and he's a dominating Alpha! I'm so confused, because I don't understand how everyone, even the ones who aren't advisors, respects Kacchan, as if he isn't ruthless or intimidating or hasn't done what he did on the streets! I guess I'm just trying to build a puzzle, finding the pieces that might help me uncover the full picture, of what I'm supposed to see. And the more I find out about Kacchan, the further away I move from the hate I'd felt for him. It's all so confusing and..."

Izuku stops. Not because he was cut off. Not because he'd realised he was mumbling, which he was. But because he'd ran out of thinks to say. He had no idea what else to think, because he was so lost and it was messing him up!

Kaminari seems to understand.

"You know, Bakubro isn't a bad person."

A bitter laugh. "Th-That's all I've been told!"

"No I'm serious!"

Kaminari clears his throat. His volume had slightly teetered, earning a few stares, so he ensured that his voice went back down to one that respected the quiet of the library.

"The boss didn't want me to tell you. He didn't really want anyone to tell you, and I agree with him. Because the reasons why you hate him all have a different side to the story, and only he himself has the rights to tell that to you. It means as much to him as it does to you and it may just sound like words coming out of my mouth, but it's true."

Izuku still remains unconvinced. Before he could open his mouth, Kaminari launches into speech.

"You know how I came from the streets?"

He leaves no room for Izuku to react.

"It wasn't explained to me by Bakugo, but by Kirishima. Because Bakugo knew that I was closest to him, and told Kirishima to tell me why. And he could easily tell someone else to tell you, but he doesn't want to! And you know why?"

Izuku did want to know now. He really did. Why not someone else? Why not tell someone he trusts, like Tsu or Kirishima, or Mina or even Kaminari himself?

"Because he wants you to see him differently. He wants to convince you himself, because he knows you'll have a hard time accepting it, and wants to be there. It means just as much for you knowing as it does for him telling, and that is a piece of information that he doesn't want just anyone to share with you! Has anyone mentioned how you're different in the boss' eyes?"

A blush caresses his spotted cheeks, and he could feel his heart beating a little louder.

"Y-Yes.. Th-They have."

Kaminari smiles smugly. "Then I rest my case!"

A kind of adorable snicker leaves Izuku's lips, somewhere from his throat. Kaminari is such a wonderful person, and he goes together so perfectly with Kirishima. It was weird to imagine one without the other. What would Kirishima be like, walking around the manor without his mate?

"A lost cause, that's what!" he smirks.

He said that out loud...


He tries changing conversation.

"Wh-Why weren't you at the meeting last week?"

Kaminari's face dropped to a frown, and Izuku felt almost guilty at bringing the meeting up.


"To be honest," he starts, stretching out a pause, "Kiri didn't want me to go. I may be strong but I'm a Beta and he didn't want to risk anything. And, between you and me,"

He stops walking, leaning into Izuku in a similar was that a child would when sharing a secret.

"I'm glad I didn't go!"

That only arouse more questions inside him. Why did Kacchan want him to go as well? What made him take such a risk? Was this another attempt to make someone else the villain and Kacchan himself a hero? He wasn't quite fooling Izuku, if that were the case! Was it to scare him? Put him in his place? He wouldn't be surprised if Kacchan treats him with more distaste than he does with others, despite everyone else telling him otherwise.

"Say, what's say we get out of he-"

"Neither of you will be going anywhere."

Izuku's spine straightens. He shivers.

Kaminari flinches.

Both fearfully train their eyes on the intruder, blocking the entrance with intimidation.

The stench of Alpha was in the air.



Things gonna be baaaaaadddd.

Be potates!


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