A few of the campers cheered and others groaned and some just didn't have a reaction. All of them left to their tents to change. Then after a while they all met at the shore. Gwen helped the campers put on their life jackets and get into the canoes with the partners they chose. It ended up with one camper left. Max. Gwen sighed.

"I'm going to go hang out with Scotty you guys can canoe together," She said and left the two alone.

"Damn," Max huffed. "Well see you later Camp man!"

"Wait Max!" David stopped him and smiled. Max turned around. "I have something to ask you."

Max rolled his eyes and he was getting bad vibes.  He felt the tension get thicker the further out into the lake they got. Finally David decided they were out far enough. He rested the ore in his lap.

"What do you want Camp man?" 

David looked at him.

"Do you hate me Max?" He asked. Max's heart skipped a beat. Is Daniel impersonating David again? "Would you be happy with another councilor?"

"Daniel?" Max asked suspiciously. David jumped and looked skittish.

"Where did he come up?"

"You need to leave. Nobody likes you!" Max contined and rocked the boat. David stood up. 

"Wait Max stop! Don't!" David then fell into the water and Max did his best to row away with his hands, having lost the oars. 

That night Gwen stared at the door waiting for David to come back so that they could hang out. Eventually she went to sleep. 

The next morning Gwen woke up the the blaring of her alarm clock. She groggily jumped up and looked around the room. No cup of coffee. Not even one hear by. Immediatly she thought of the last timet his happened. 

"Calm yourself Gwen. Maybe he just got distracted. He can't be lost in the forest again." She told herself and rushed to get ready. He wasn't there. She rushed around the camp. She checked everywhere.




He hasn't been here for a two weeks now. 

"Wake up you little monsters! We're going to see the circus in town!" Gwen called. In her opinion, she looked like shit. She's barely slept and with David gone she's been the one that Campbell has been trying to take his anger out on. She hasn't been letting him. She knows how to fend for herself.

The campers haven't really been like themselves either. The younger kids have been waiting for David to come back. They've been asking the older kids and Gwen constantly if he's back yet.

"Get to the bus kids!" She yelled and took a large chuck of coffee.

The drive to the circus was quick. Using Cameron's old money they had gotten tickets for the last day that they were visiting here. They had gotten a couple of new performances and Gwen knew if David was here right now he'd want to go watch. The campers loaded off the bus and immediatly began running through the carnival.

Later again it was time for the show to start and Camp Campbell was ushered to their seat and watched the show. Gwen had to admit it was pretty funny. Even Max laughed a couple of times.

Suddenly they saw it. David. He was in a strange costume and was swinging from the ceiling on airal silks. His hair was in a pony tail and his normal tuft of hair was hanging more like bangs. There were sparkling sequines on his face and almost everything on the costume was shimmering.

"And now for one of our newest and final acts. Our newly beloved Shooting star and his brother Cultist contorionist!" The ring master shouted as energetic music played in the background. The tent dimmed and two spotlights shone. One on David and the other towards the ground. It was Daniel. He was in the reversed version of David'sc costume but a similar look. Aside from the flowing fabric dangeling from points of David's arms to look like wings.

"I knew Daniel had something to do with this!" Max whispered and Gwen looked at him.

"What do you mean?" She whispered back.

"Daniel must have kidnapped him and brainwashed him!" Max waved his hand at the two in the center. The two's act were perfectly in sinc. When David fell from amazing heights he'd swing my Daniel and pulled him in the direction he was going bringing Daniel to move into a new crazy position. Everytime they passed by eachother they both had curious dreamy fondness in the looks they shared. Gwen nodded and looked at David passing by Daniel again. This time he pulled Daniel's arms and Daniel followed. David seemed over the moon. Like nothing she's ever seen from him before.

Soon enough the show ended as soon as it did Gwen and Max ran after David.

"Woah woah. Where do you think your going folks?" The ring master asked.

"We need to talk to the person who swung from the aerial silk!" Gwen said. The ring master laughed.

"David has a lot of fans. I suppose you can go talk to him. Be quick. We've got a lot of packing up to do before we leave for the next place."

Gwen and Max looked at eachother in worry and ran after where they saw David go. The sun hit them and blinded for a few moments before they saw David and Daniel helping pack up some of the props for their acts.

"David!" Gwen called and ran towards him, nearly in tears. David jumped and dropped the box he was holding on his foot. He jumped up and looked at her. He panicked and began speedwalking away pretending not to see the two. "David wait!"

Gwen hugged him from behind and cried into his back. She felt him sigh and let go of him he turned around. He had a guilty look on his face.

"Hey Gwen," He smiled. She dissolved in to tears.

"This is where you've been you asshole!" Gwen yelled and lightly punched him in the chest. He sllightly folded in on himself and gave himself a small hug. David nodded. "I thought this was the forest incedent all over again! What were you thinking! I've had to take care of these little monsters all on my own!"

"Gwen I'm sor-"

"I'm not finished! You can apologize when we get back to camp!"

David looked at her heartbroken, then scanned around the camp.


"Get your stuff I'll round up the kids," Gwen left no room for discussion.  David sigh defeatedly



Looks like series won! The next chapter to come out here will most likely to be the next part of this series. I might put picture of their costumes in the next part. Any how! What did you think? I would love some feed back for this au! (Please ignore the spelling mistakes for now! I don't often beta read as you can tell)

Hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day/night and may life bring you much serotonine/dopamine til we meet again! (Hehe possible up coming chapter hint (not for this au tho))


Camp Camp David Angst Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now