Chapter Seven

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A tale to tell, a tale to heed

No good can come from one man's greed.

The township of Forthwhite was visible from miles around in every direction, rising up from the Arlen Plains as though to touch the pink and purple clouds strewn across the twilight sky. Every building was made of white stone, the squat structures huddling together on the hilltop like birds jostling for a better position. Broad-leaved trees struggled in competition for space on the crowded hill, as if trying to avoid the dry, sunburnt plains below, which stretched flat and unbroken to the ethereal haze of the horizon. Bright lights twinkled from windows and street lanterns, a glittering welcome on the empty plains.

The night was perfectly still as the three friends and travellers paused and watched the dusk settle like a blanket over the town, the heat rising up through their feet as though Arvanor herself were a vast, slumbering creature, and they trod upon her back.

"So this is your hometown, Commander," Ferrian said in wonderment.

Commander Trice came up beside him and smiled, wiping sweat from his brow. "Yep, Forthwhite. Beautiful, isn't she?"

Ferrian nodded, then shifted his gaze from the town to Aari as the young winged man alighted a few yards ahead of them, his white, copper patterned wings stirring up clouds of dust as he landed. He leaned over and put his hands on his knees, then turned his head to look back at them. "Come on! What are you two doing?" he called back. "It's too hot to be standing around admiring the view!"

He waited until they started moving again, then with a beat of his wings took to the air once more, heading off in the direction of Forthwhite. Grisket and Ferrian watched him go, trudging along on hot, blistered feet. "Alright for him," Grisket complained. "He's got wings." Looking up, he raised his voice to the distant figure of Aari ahead of them. "Some people have to trudge around on foot in this damned heat!"

The three companions had left the wintry Valewood Forest five days earlier, proceeding to travel on foot to the town of Forthwhite, where Grisket's small band of law enforcement officers had their base. On their way to Forthwhite, they had avoided towns as much as possible, keeping to the back roads and only stopping for supplies when necessary. Ferrian had remained hidden on the outskirts on these occasions. By now, every village in the area knew about the Winter and rumours of sorcery.

Their imminent arrival in Forthwhite was a problem. The news that Commander Trice was hunting a sorcerer with silver eyes had spread quickly through the community, and Ferrian was afraid they would recognise him as soon as they caught a glimpse of his eyes. He shook his head. He could only hope that they knew and trusted Commander Trice enough to believe him when he told them the real story.

They approached the town, the dust of the plains swirling up into pale clouds around their feet. The road turned abruptly to cobbles beneath their boots, and they passed gratefully into the cool dark pockets of air beneath the sprawling trees at the foot of the hill. Thankfully, someone had had the good sense to build an inn at the base of the hill, so relieving weary travellers of the climb up the steep incline. The inn was built of solid white stone like the rest of the town, and was very plain looking: a simple, two-storied, no nonsense building set amongst the trees. Golden light burned from the square windows and the open doors, and the sound of talking and laughter could be heard coming from within. A sign above the door was stencilled in neat white letters on a background of dark stained wood, and read: The Hungry Deer Inn.

Aari was waiting for them on the road outside the inn. "What's your plan?" he whispered to Grisket as they approached.

The Commander motioned them over to the side of the road, in the cover of some bushes. He rubbed his bristly chin thoughtfully. "I think it would be best if we pretend Ferrian is our prisoner." he said quietly.

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