Earl Grey x Shy! Maid! Reader P2

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This is part 2 of the oneshot I posted earlier, enjoy~~




"Purple Yam!! Stop chasing the poor author!!!"



-/-/-/-/-END OF BLOOPERS-/-/-/-/-/-

It has been a few weeks after the incident.

Y/n was outside, in the garden watering the flowers, they were so occupied with the flowers that they didn't hear the footsteps that slowly came closer.

"Y/n?" their whole body immediately froze, heart pounding, definetly not expecting that someone was behind them.

They slowly turned around to see Earl Grey, they breathed a sigh of relief and their heart stopped pounding in their chest.

"Yes Earl Grey? What do you need?" Y/n asked, their attention now on Earl Grey instead of the flowers.

"I need you to lead Ms. Blackberry to her room" Y/n was confused but didn't question why, so they got up and dusted their skirt/pants, and left the garden to accompany Blackberry.

Y/n walked into the lobby where most of the customers were, they didn't like the fact that there were so many customers but they shrugged it off. 

Y/n looked around until they spotted Blackberry, they walked up to her.

"Hello miss Blackberry, I shall be the one to lead you to your room" Y/n greeted while bowing as a formality, Blackberry simply nodded.

Blackberry doesn't usually go to the hotel but she does visit and stay at times, but those times are quite random, who knows what's going through her mind rn.

They began walking in silence... until Blackberry spoke up.

"... i heard that Earl Grey has a tiny bit of a crush on you." After hearing that sentence, Y/n got flustered as they also had a crush on Earl Grey. 

They walked in silence once again, Y/n was too flustered to speak up while Blackberry was just minding her own business, and honestly from Y/n's perspective... the walk to Blackberry's room felt like eternity.

They finally arrived to the room, Y/n bowed goodbye and turned to leave.

Y/n didn't know what to do after they had led Blackberry to her room so their first thought was to go to Chess Choco and perhaps play Chess with them for a bit.

"Y/n!!""Hi Y/n." The twins greeted Y/n simultaneously; Y/n was already used to the fact that sometimes they said stuff simultaneously.

"Hi Chess Choco! Can I play Chess with you guys for a bit?" Y/n asked, trying to get Earl Grey of their mind by playing some Chess.

"Sure! Ok." They started playing Chess, after a few minutes Y/n had lost, like always. But the twins had noticed something was off about Y/n since they usually held out a little longer.

They nodded to each other, (which usually meant they were thinking the same thing).

"Y/n- What is bothering you?" They asked, Y/n was just flustered since they couldn't get Earl Grey off their mind and now Chess Choco knew something was wrong with them.

Y/n was debating with themself whether to tell Chess Choco about their crush on Earl Grey or not.

"Y/n? Are you feeling okay?" The twins then asked since they hadn't gotten a response from Y/n.

"ImayormaynothaveacrushonEarGreybutpleasedonttellhim" Y/n blurted out, Mango style.

The twins looked at each other and started laughing, White was giggling while Brown was chuckling.

Y/n looked at them confused at why they were laughing.

"Y/n, you were worried about that? *giggles* he has a crush on you too silly!" She just kept on giggling.

Y/n grew even more flustered as Blackberry also mentioned that.

"Y/n? Shouldn't you supposed to be working?" Y/n recognized that voice, they immediately jumped up and ran away to do the chores.

Earl Grey was standing there dumbfounded as his crush immediately ran away after recognizing his voice.

Then he turned to look at the Chess Choco twins who decided to have a match with each other.

He walked up to them and asked, "what's wrong with Y/n?" They looked up from the Chess board and said "Y/n has- a crush on you".

(Damn those twins, never afraid to admit secrets as long as the secret involved getting their caretaker a date.)

While Chess Choco was telling Earl Grey your feelings for him, you were just catching your breath for running so fast.

Then you suddenly realized that you were in the lobby where most of the customers were, you looked up and saw tons of other cookies looking at you.

You quickly composed yourself and walked away quickly to go do chores and to get away from their sight.

After the chores, you decided to go to the Sakura tree, as it was your favorite place to be since it was nice and peaceful there.

So there you sat, just taking in the beauty of the Sakura tree when suddenly a petal lands on your lap, Sakura trees are truly beautiful, aren't they?

Let's go back to Earl Grey shall we? 

He was searching for you, probably to confess his feelings and to ask you out on a date.

He honestly searched everywhere just looking for you, he couldn't find you until he suddenly remembered your favorite place to be when you are overwhelmed or just too shy to face with customers.

Surely enough you were there, just looking at the view.

He may or may not have tried doing the mirror trick when people practice confessing their love to themself, pretending that they were confessing to the one they love.

(Not me, self love all the wayyyy~~)

Can I just put a time skip here? No? Okay fine, i'll show you what happened... ig.

Earl Grey walked up to you and sat down next to you.

"The view here is beautiful, I can see why this is your favorite place to be" he... started the conversation... that's definetly not how he wanted the confession to go but oh well.

"But... the view is not as beautiful as you." Come on Earl Grey, that's way too cliché!!

He turned to face you and took a deep breath, and i mean DEEP as he continued his sentence.

"Y/n... I like you.. a lot, and may I ask you out on a date?" FINALLY YOU SAID IT EARL GREY

*Gets smacked in the head by Mala* "Author, stop interfering with the story!!"

"YES YES YES YESS, I-I mean yes you may!" Earl Grey may or may not have laughed mentally because he found your stuttering quite cute.

So.. let's just say that he took the whole day off work just to go on a date with you, and honestly... best choice he ever made.


1000+ WORDS??!! DANGGG

Anyway, I'll work on a TK x OC request soon, and possibly work on the Twisted Wonderland oneshot book, so bye my lovely readers~~

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