Cookie run x game! Self aware reader

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Requested by: MiyumiYeetus

OH DAMN, I should really start writing oneshots on laptop, ANYWAYYY here are the almighty bloopers-

*barges in* "Heyyy Purple Yam, how ya feelin'?"

"LiKe ShIt."

"you still can't talk well can't you? That's sad. But I don't feel any pity for you."


-/-/-/-/-END OF BLOOPERS-/-/-/-/-

Reader POV ig

I was having a wonderful dream but something woke me up from it, I slowly wake up and realize I am not in my room. 

I am on what seems like... a hospital bed? It looks as if it was made out of... pastries?

"Oh? Hello, do you remember who you are?" someone suddenly asked from the side, I look over to where the voice came from.

Am I dreaming or is the nurse a cookie? I look down to my hands, I don't have hands anymore.. their just nubs, not hands. Is this a good time to panic?

Don't tell me... am I in the game Cookie Run Kingdom..? Bro... how did I turn into a cookie-

"Do you remember who you are??" the nurse asked again except a little more arrogantly this time, seems she was getting tired of waiting for an answer.

"Yes, I remember" after hearing that sentence she immediately started asking me questions such as what was my name or other stuff like where is my family or where do I live.

I honestly was starting to get tired of all the questions but thankfully the doctor told the nurse to give me some space ( thank you whoever you are ).

After a few hours of me staying there for questioning and making sure that I was fine, I was finally released from the hospital ( thankfully ).

I know a LOT about this world as I was a player and I logged in everyday to do daily tasks, so I knew about the cookies who lived inside the kingdom.

Author's notes: 'Why am I just describing myself rn'

'What shall I do first...' I thought to myself until suddenly someone spoke from behind me.

"Hello! Are you lost perhaps? Or I could give you a tour of the kingdom!" I turned around and saw Mango, he's much cuter in person! I thought back to when I got him, he was my first main.

I sadly had to replace him with Licorice as he wasn't helping much when I was at the stage with DE ( Dark Enchantress ).

"Sure! I would really like a tour!" hah... he is really fun to be around, just seeing him smile makes my heart explode out of cuteness.

"I don't think I got your name yet, so I'll introduce myself first! I'm Mango cookie!" he exclaimed with a smile.

"Nice to meet you mango! I'm Y/n L/n" I introduced myself as if I didn't know Mango.

"Nice to meet you Y/n! Now come on! I'll show you around!" he said as he was pointing off to the distance, and honestly I could make out stalls and buildings.

We stopped by a flower shop, inside were all kinds of flowers, including a... wait is that what I think it is?


The plant roared, yep, it's definetly hungry for some cookies.

Out of the corner of my eye I suddenly saw Herb... WAIT HERB?? I tried to contain my excitement, somehow managed to do so.

Herb used to be my main healer before I replaced him with PV ( Pure Vanilla ), I honestly did feel sad that I replaced him but PV does better as a healer for all my cookies.

I snap out of my flashbacks and Mango is now talking with Herb a few meters away from me, Mango seemed shaken up a little, probably because of the humongous plant that seems like it's hungry for cookies.

Herb is just reassuring him that the plant doesn't bite.

Author's notes once again: 'That's bullshit Herb, that's as if saying that the bite of 87 didn't happen. But I did remember that one meme where that one guy was saying that the other guy's dog bites but the other guy says it doesn't.' 

I walked up to Mango, grabbed him by the hand? Nub?, and just pulled him away from the chaos.

After the chaos, he introduced me to Gingerbrave, Strawberry, Wizard, Custard and Chili Pepper. They were walking around the kingdom, making sure everything is in order. Well except for Chili Pepper who just stole some stuff she found was valuable.

As we said our goodbyes, I heard some yelling, the voice sounded like Purple Yam's so I decided to just not go toward the sound.

Mango then directed me towards a park, there I saw Madeleine and Espresso sitting on a bench, just enjoying each others company.

My heart was melting from the wholesome view, finally just a time where they weren't arguing about whether light magic or dark magic was better.

After the visit to the park, he insisted that I should get a fitting at Mont Blanc's outfit shop, let's just say that I couldn't say no to his puppy dog eyes.

So here we are at Mont Blanc's, I was just standing idly, waiting for Mont Blanc to finish measuring me, while Mango decided to doze off a little.

I was kind of jealous that I wasn't him dozing off, suddenly the door to the shop opened.

Pumpkin Pie was standing in the doorway with Pompon in her hands, she entered the shop and pulled away Mont Blanc to chat with her a little.

Most likely about a new dress either for her or Pompon, while I was just there, relieved that I can finally sit down for a bit before Mont Blanc measures me again. 

I sat next to Mango who was still dozing off, I also started wondering if I had any special skills or whether I was a defense or a charge cookie or perhaps ranged?

I sighed as I got up to return to standing idly as Mont Blanc came back to finish the measuring process.




Anyway, feel free to request :DD

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