(Platonic) Cream Puff x Sister! Reader

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It's platonic because she's underage✨ And why would people simp for her like-

Cream Puff's POV~

After the incident at the book shop i caught up to my sister as we went to the academy together, to be quite honest, it was just a normal day at the academy, Y/n is always beside me in class, she makes sure i'm okay, what did i do to deserve such a wonderful sister as her...? As we transferred classes i noticed the professor was late.

"IM HERE! IM HERE CLASS!", as i looked at the door i realized i met this cookie before, she was the one who helped out at the book shop! She introduced herself as Professor  Latte, nice to know her name by now.

After class, i stayed back a little bit to ask if she could teach me more about spells, i couldn't believe she said yes! She asked if we could meet in the courtyard by noon, of course i said yes.

As i was practicing in the courtyard i have accidentally made a rift, oops.... Now there is a dragon coming out of it!! AHHHH

Time skip~

Y/n's POV~

"CREAM PUFF!!" I yelled as the dragon was getting closer, "WHERE ARE YOU!!??" I yelled once again, no response, it kept coming closer and closer..... My only instinct was to run..... I do not know where my sister could have gone to. But i do know that she's probably safe somewhere.

I kept running until i could only see a blur, the only question i had in mind was, why is there a dragon at the academy, how did it get there? Maybe my question would be answered soon...

'I really hope Cream Puff's okay, please be okay....' I thought as i saw movement running out of the academy, i think those are my classmates......

 'This is not the time to be wimpy Y/n! Help out!' I though as i ran back to the academy in hopes of helping other cookies.

Cream Puff's POV~

I had set on a journey to go find the Parfadian beacons that were in the legends with the help of Detective Almond cookie and my professor, Latte cookie, I was excited as i was scared, various questions were in my mind.

'Is Y/n okay? Is she safe? Is she hiding somewhere?' I was worried, was she hurt? Or maybe something happened to her? I could feel myself shivering at the thought of her injured....

"We're here!" I heard professor Latte exclaim as she was pointing to the beacons, i really hope this idea will work....

Y/n's POV~

I helped as many cookies as i could, I managed to heal some, sadly, healing is definetly NOT my forte. As i was helping out fellow classmates getting out of the rubble they were stuck in, then the dragon suddenly roared, then the dragon suddenly started breathing fire.....

I quickly helped my classmates get out of the rubble and bring them to safety, Cream Puff, where are you.....? Please get help.....

Cream Puff's POV~ 

Yes! We finally got over the wall, and Detective Almond has allowed me to light the beacon! What an exciting moment! After i lit up the beacon help came pretty fast, but i was glad that help came,as I was very worried for my sister, then we started our trek back to the academy.

Everything was in chaos! Thankfully we got there in time to stop anything worse from happening.

"Y/N!!" I exclaimed as i finally found my sister, we both hugged each other happily.

"CREAM PUFF WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE" my sister exclaimed as she was on the verge of tears, i then explained what happened, she took a moment to process everything, but she understood what happened and had forgived me.

Yay! Done! This wasn't a request from anyone as i wanted to make this oneshot.

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