family business pt. ii

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Thank you to my family. To my babies. To my husband. Thank you to my team, the wonderful staff, and all our kind donors. Your help and support truly made a place like this"—she waved a hand in front of her—"possible, and it means the world to me. I hope everyone enjoys their night!"

Thunderous claps broke out across the studio, and Spencer was the first to jump out of his seat to approach her. Her mom pulled her into a hug. Jackson and Sienna fought over who got to follow. The little ones jumped around, excited because everyone else seemed to be. Cora gradually turned the overhead lights on, and the donors, families, and studio staff began to mingle. In the past two years, her nonprofit had practically become another baby of hers, and to see a second studio buzzing with life filled her heart with an indescribable feeling.

"You did it, baby. This was all you," Spencer whispered into her ear.

She blushed. "A lot of people helped get this place up and going. I won't even be here to run it full time."

"Okay, but I like to pretend it was all you." He smirked.

She smiled through a laugh, her eyes softening in gratitude. "I love you."

He pecked her lips and pulled her into the crowd. As much as he wanted to keep his wife to himself, there were people waiting to speak to her.

They worked their way through the studio, mingling with old friends and parents of future attendees. Donors shared stories of family members and how much the arts had impacted their lives for the better. How excited they were to support a nonprofit like hers.

One particular couple kept their attention for longer than most. The top donors to the center (even though Spencer had tried hard to earn that spot) had a son who passed away over two decades ago as a result of his addiction, and they were midway through sharing their story when an urgent tug at Olivia's blazer yanked her focus away.

"Is it now?" Sienna asked in a nervous whisper.

"Not yet," Olivia hushed.

"She's adorable." The voice sang over her shoulder.

Olivia smiled warmly, taking Sienna's hand in hers. "She is."

Her daughter stood next to her awkwardly, not caring about who these people were.

"She's a dancer, too. Just like her mom," Spencer pitched in. "Wants to go professional one day."

"Is that so?"

"Mhm," Sienna hummed through tight lips. Her legs jittered so much so that Olivia could feel the agitation through their connected hands.

"Can you excuse us for a moment?" Olivia offered an award-winning smile and left Spencer to dazzle the deep pockets on his own.

"I'm fine," Sienna fussed as they turned away from the group.

"Just another hour and then we'll head out to dinner and then it'll be—"

Sienna swatted at her mom's hand before it could land on her face. "Go talk to your fancy people."

Olivia pulled back, confused. "No need to be rude, but okay. Have some of the appetizers. I made sure to include mozzarella sticks on the menu for you."

"Mhm," Sienna grumbled. Avoiding her mom's concerned gaze, she stared at the ceiling until she was finally alone.

Though her solitude didn't last long. A minute later, her nine year-old brother strolled up with a frozen red drink in hand.

"What's wrong, SiSi?"

"Nothing." She crossed her arms and studied the attendees.

He held out his glass to her. "Do you want my slushie?"

Always UsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon