Chapter 1 (mi amore)

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Let me introduce myself first. I'm Bella woodwords. And I'm 18 years old.

Idk what to do because today I'm not going to school and i have nothing to do.

I just get in the washroom and did my business and took a shower, changed my clothes and headed downstairs.

"Hey mom" i said to my mom. She not my biological mother but she loves me like her I'm her child.

"Hey!!! Sweetheart" she said. She looked stressed.

"What happened mom" i asked.

"Your father have a meeting his 30 minutes but he left his file here and just called me telling about it. But I can't go there. I have an appointment." She said.

"No problem. I'll help you" i said.

"Thankyou so much bells" she said.

She gave me the file. And i walked to the garage and said hello to malkon.
He's my driver. Yeah, i don't have licence yet.

I told him where I have to go and after 30 minutes. I'm standing in the parking of my dad's office. I walked in the building and said good morning to the receptionist and walked to my father's cabin.

I knocked twice.

"Come in" dad said from the cabin.

I opened the and walked to his table.

"Hlo!!! Cupcake" dad said with a big ass smile on his face. Yea, I'm a dad's princess.

"Hlo dadda, i came to give you your file" i said giving him the file.

"Thankyou cupcake" he said reading the file and suddenly his phone started ringing.

"Gimme a sec cupcake" and he left to attend his call.

I walked to the glass window. From here I can see the whole new york city. And trust me it's amazing.

Well i just wanna tell you in case your interested. My biological mom isn't dead. She's alive. She lives with her lover. Both of my parents are forced into this marriage but with time things changed. They are living a normal life and had me. Everything is going alright until my uncle seb came.

He came and everything changed. My mother cheated on my father. And ran away leaving me with my dad. I was 1 year old at that time. And then dad hired a nanny for me and fell in love with her. And other got married. She loves and my dad. And we both love her.

It's been 20 minutes but dad didn't came. I got bored and need something to eat. I haven't eaten anything since Last night.

I got up and made my way to the door and opened it collided with someone.

"I'm sorry i wasn't looking" i said.

There stood three gaint mans in suits and looked like greek gods. There brown eyes and the tattoos. The sharp jaw line. The way there muscles lookes through the fitted suits.

They were staring at me like I'm a some kind of trace.

"You should be careful little one, you can get yourself hurt" one of the man said.

"I need to g- " I was about to say that but one of then cutted me off.

"What's your name" the one i bumped in asked.

" I'm Bella" i nervously said.

Why the fuck I'm nervous.


Maybe I like them.

I doesn't even know there names.

Well......what now.

Nothing bitch

"What's your age, puppy" the one with piercing asked.

"I'm NOT an animal" i said

"What's going on here" dad said coming towards me.

"Oh..... Hlo Mr. Willson" dad said to them.

"Hlo, Mr.Woodwords. i think we're on time" one of the guy said.

"Yes, you are.........and she is my daughter, Bella" dad said

"We met her.... didn't we puppy" he said......i think I've heard of Willson. Idk where but i have heard.

"Bella, they are The Willson brothers. Damon, Noah and Nick" dad introduced them.

Holy-motherfucking-cock-sucking polar bear. They the willson brothers. Jesus. And i bumped into them. Fucking great. It's time to say goodbye to this precious world. No one even have balls to talk back to them. And i fucking bumped into them.

Idk it's my last day. They are devil himselfs. Even police is afraid of them.

I don't wanna die. I'm still a virgin.

"Let's start the meeting, shall we" dad asked them.

And the said yes and headed out.

I can't believe I'm still alive. What the fuck just happened.

I'm alive bitches. Anyways, my phone started ringing. And it's Max my boyfriend. I picked the call.

"Hlo baby" he said. Fuck

"Are you high on something" i asked. Fucking hell. His boy

""okay he's high.

"Where the fuck are you max" i hissed

"I....I'm.....i don't know" he said

"Okay and"

"I just wanna tell you something"

"Max, you're high -" he cut off

"Listen Bella, this isn't working. We're in a toxic relationship" he hissed

"Oh..... happy realisation" i said

"Idk but this isn't working and i don't wanna be in this relationship anymore" he said

Okay.....he's the one who almost jumped from the building because I said I don't wanna be his girlfriend and now this.

"Okay Fuck you, see you in hell" i hissed

Son-of-a-bitch. I ended the call.

And dad came back.

"Bella, you need to leave" dad said

"O....uh.....okay" i said and leaved his office and found the willson brothers going towards his office.

"Bye babygirl" Nick waved towards me and winked.

And other two smirked

What the heck. Babygirl.....did he just called me babygirl.

I need a drink.

I get in the car and drive drove to the massion and i got out and went towards my room took a shower and get in the bed. I tried everything single fucking thing. But i just can't get them off my brain. The willson brothers.

It can't happen. They are criminals. They kill people without hesitating. This is wrong. I can't do this.

OUR || 18 +Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora