1 A tragic event

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"Mom, I'm gonna go make upsome charcoal for tomorrow." I said, picking up the basket.

Ithad been snowing, and I didn't want the furnace to freeze over the next day. It would be diffucult to undo.

"Are you sure you'll be alright? It's already dark out." Mom said, walking over. She looked at me with worried blue eyes.

I nodded. "I'll just be out there for a little bit." I smiled, hugging her.

She nodded and kissed the top of my head. "You're such a good daughter. Your father would be proud of you for helping out so much."

I nodded and smiled, hugging her tighter. "He would also be proud of you for holding on and continuing."

She nodded.

I nodded back and walked outside.

I walked over to the stove and picked up a few pieces of wood, getting a fire started in it. I would probably stay out for a while. I wanted to be able to sell a lot tomorrow. I stayed close, watching the flames dance around inside the furnace. It was beautiful and warm, comforting me and pushing all of the cold away.

A few hours passed and I heard a scream come from inside.

I jumped up and grabbed the axe, running inside, and looking around.

Mom was on the floor, blood strewn out all around her. A man with four arms and horns was there, ripping her stomach open and devouring her body.

I stared and ran over, lifting the axe to slice his back with.

One of his arms shot back and slammed me into the wall, making me call out in pain. I stared at him, trying not to go numb.

The man got up and walked over. He glanced outside, eyeing the furnace. He smiled, revealing teeth that were as sharp as knives. He grabbed my ponytail and dragged me outside, towards the furnace.

I struggled, swinging the axe up and cutting his arm off. I got up and started running to the woods, not getting very far before he grabbed the back of my haori and slammed me into a tree. The man grabbed my ponytail again and shook me a bit. "Sit still so I can devour you!" He yelled at me.

I glared and connected the axe with his neck, making it fly off of his shoulders. He growled in anger and his body lunged at me.

I jumped to the side and fell to the ground, starting to get up.

The man took a moment to place his head back onto his shoulders. He turned to me again and went to grab my hair again.

I jumped back and swung the axe at him. I missed and it burried itself i to a tree. I stared, trying to get it out.

The man laughed and pulled the axe out of the tree, throwing it away.

I stepped back and pulled my knife out of my pocket, swining at him.

He avoided me and kicked me to the ground, laughing and lifting his claws to slice me open.

A large flash surrounded the area, leaving as fast as it had came. The man, was now headless. He fell to the ground, his body slowly starting to ash away into nothing.

I stared, dropping to the ground in the snow. I stared for a second.

"Mom!" I said suddenly in realization. I ran back into the house and dropped to her side, staring for a moment before starting to cry. Tears ran down my face and I sobbed through gasps, begging her to wake up.

A hand was placed on my shoulder, making me jump and swing the knife.

A boy with blonde and orange hair caught my wrist. He had his hair pulled up in a ponytail with loose bangs settled around his face. He also wore a yellow haori with little triangles covering it.

I stared, dropping the knife and continuing to cry. "She's dead...." I mumbled.

The boy pulled me up and led me out of the house, making me sit down.

I continued to cry, sobbing again.

"Calm down." The boy said, grabbing a shovel. "We should burry her."

I nodded a bit and took it.

He walked inside.

I started diggi g a hole, my mind forcing me to think of every single encounter I'd had with my mother. She had been such a sweet woman. She never did anything wrong to me or others. She hadn't deserved to die.

I finished digging the hole and walked inside, looking around for the boy.

He had wrapped Mom in a soft blanket, and was praying over her.

I walked over. "I finished digging...."

He nodded and picked her up, following me out to the grave. He laid her down in it and helped me burry her, praying with me afterward.

I wiped my eyes, sitting down. "What do I do now? She was all I had left."

The boy looked arou d and back to me for a moment. He studied me and got up, starting to walk. "Come on."

I got up, following. "Where are we going?"

"To the butterfly estate. You seem hurt." He said.

"Estate?" I asked.

He just kept walking.

I followed, looking around as we walked. The sun had began to rise, covering the ground with a golden shimmer.

Why is it that when a death happens, the sun always shines so bright? Was it the fact that another person was being accepted into paradise? Why did it have to be Mom, ofall people. The good ones always had to die first....

Thunderstorms (Zenitsu X Reader(female) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang