14- A Fun Game

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Suiren smiled, watching the blonde struggle to get past mosh and carniverous plants.

"He's gonna kill you." Rai said, glaring at Suiren from the vines that held her in place.

The lotus demon turned to her, smiling. "He won't be able to find you. In an hour when he fails, I'll disolve your skin with an acidic flower. You'll suffer from burns of all sorts, and I'll rip your eyes out in front of him." She said, walking over and getting in Rai's face. "Once I'm done with your eyes, I'll move to your heart. I'm sure it'll be enjoyable." She smiled, holding Rai's face in her soft hands.

Rai glared and struggles against the vines, trying to attack the woman in any way possible.

Suiren smiled, sitting down in front of Rai. "Though, if you listen to me I could let you live. Just get rid of him for me and you'll be free to go. He's a Hashira is he not? I only need one more human and I'll be able to join the Twelve Kizuki. I'm almost there Rai. Help me get there. I promise I won't let his body go to waste. I'll let you live in turn for a Hashira."

Rai glared. "I'd rather die."

Suiren sighed and got up. "Then I'll be back in an hour." She said, being gone suddenly.

Rai struggled around in the vines, causing them to tighten around her limbs. She felt her circulation start to cut off and stopped, the vines loosening again. She startes crying, trying not to panock anymore.

"Zenitsu! Please find me!" She called out. Unfortunately, the lotus she was co tained in muffled her voice. It was quiet on the outside. Even with Zenitsu's hearing, it would be difficult for him to find her without listening to each lotus carefully.

Meanwhile, Zenitsu was slashing at plants and vines, getting tripped by vines that slitchered along the ground and rose to tangle and trip him. He eventually cussed loudly, getting into a stance. "Thunder breathing, first form, Thunderclap and flash, Sixfold." He said, bursting through a great deal of the plants. They all withered and decayed and he stood again, realizing that's what he had to do. He got into the stance again, taking a breath.

"That's cheating." Someone said.

He stood, looking around.

A girl stood, feeding a rabit to a venus fly trap and patting it's head. She looked over at Zenitsu. She had three small horns along the top of her head and green eyes that had a spiderweb like design in the center. Her skin was pale with blue spots along her arms. She wore a kimono, the bottom looking torn and tattered. She was a demon.

"And so what if it is?" Zenitsu asked. "She's gonna die if I don't find her."

The demon nodded. "She may kill you both if she catchea you cheating."

"What do you suggest then?" He glared.

She shrugged and sat on the ground. "Would you let me live if I helped?"

Zenitsu shifted uneasily. "We'll see."

"Then I'll help find your lover." She said, putting her hands on the ground. Web strung out from her fingertips and spread along the ground, running under the dirt all around. She stayed that way for five minutes, then looked at Zenitsu. "She's straight that way." The demon said, pointing.

Zenitsu nodded. "Thank you."

The demon girl nodded and smiled. "And Suiren is behind me, coming towards us quickly. Run." She said, her body turning to spiders and scattering.

Zenitsu took off in the direction he was given, running as fast as he could. He could hear Suiren running behind, getting closer with each step. He finally turned, chopping her arm off. She stopped and regenerating it, smiling at the blonde. "Just checking on you. Are you having fun?"

Zenitsu just swung at her again, missing once more.

Suiren nodded. "I'll see to it that it's made fun." She said, leaving. The floor under Zenitsu turned to water and pulled him under. He swam back up, seaweed gripping him and trying to pulled him to the darkness below. He cut the vegetation and swam to the surface, only to be wrapped up in vines and suspended high in the air. She caught sight of large lotuses and quickly cut the vines, launching himself that way. He landed inward of them and looked around, starting to slice them open.

Thirty minutes left.

Zenitsu worked quickly, slicing and cutting the giant flowers open as he searched for Rai. Twenty minutes later, he was getting close to the end. He sliced one, seeing Rai. She collapswd with it, tired from yelling for him. He ran over and picked her up.

"I won your stupid game!" Zenitsu called.

"So you did." Suiren said, waving her arm. The plants all withered and turned to dust, leaving the room a mess. It moxed with the mosh, starting ro smell bad, like mold and rotten flesh.

"Let us leave now." Zenitsu said.

Suiren started walking over. Zenitsu set Rai down, drawing his sword. "I believe we had an agreement too."

Suiren nodded and stopped in front of him, smiling.
He closed the couple of steps, holding his sword, reali g up to slash her.

In a split second, Suiren had knocked Zenitsu's sword from his hand, and had wrapped Rai and him up. She held them apart from each other, looking back and forth between the two. "Now who should I devour first? The blonde boy or the lightning scarred girl?"

"We had a deal!" Zenitsu yelled at her, struggling.

"I don't make deals." Suiren said. She stopped and gasped, smiling. "I know! Let's all play another game!" She giggled. She thickened the vines on them both and walked to a door. "Give me a moment." She smirked, leaving the room.

Zenitsu struggled against the vines, giving up and looki g at the ground.

"I'm sorry I let myself get captured." Rai mumbled.

Zenitsu looked up. "It's not your fault, don't think for a second that it is."

Rai didn't respond, just sat in silence.

Suiren walked back into the room with a sword, smiling. "What I have here is a blade with an obsidion hilt and decorative jeweling. Such a beautiful silver blade too, don't you both agree? This will be hers." She smiled, undoing Rai's vines. She walked over and smiled, setti g the blade down and looking at Zenitsu. "It's not a nichirin blade either. Hers is broken."

Rai growled and grabbed the blade, slashing Suiren's arm off. Suiren stared, bealing herself and got up. "You'll both fight to the death or you'll both die in here."

Rai just swung at her again. Suiren stopped the blade and grabbed Rai's face, staring into her eyes. "Listen to everything I tell you or you'll be slaughtered."

She droppesd Rai to the geou d and undid Zenitsu's vines, vanishing in a puddle of water again and making the door melt away.

Zenitsu ran over to Rai, knealimg down beside her. "I promise I'll get us out of here."

Rai swung the sword at him, making him jump back and grab his. She swung again and he blocked, his eyes watering up again. He was frustrated. He wanted to be done. Why was it like this?

Rai hit him with the hilt of the sword, Zenitsu's jaw snapping. He growled and tackled her, wrestling the sword from her hands and throwing it across the room. Rai struggled, trying to move out from under him. She wanted to kill. She was hypnotized again.

"Snap out of it!" Zenitsu yelled, keeping her down. This went on for a while and he ran out of things to tell her. He couldn't seem to bring her back again. He growled and leaned down, hugging her. Rai growled and kneed him in the stomach, clawing him until he bled.

"Stop it, please Rai...." Zenitsu begged, crying. "I don't want to kill you...." He sat up a bit and kissed her. It calmed her down, the glowing purple color leaving the glimmer of her eyes. She hugged him, starting to cry. "I'm sorry...."

Suiren geowled, watching them through the puddle. She thought for a moment and grabbed a dagger, moving back into the room.

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