7- "I think I fell in love with you"

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I stared at the lights all over the street, and all of the stands and people in the area. It almost looked like daytime, and was colorful. It was beautiful all lit up at night.

Zenitsu smiled and started walking.

I followed, staying close to him. "It's pretty."

He nodded and looked at me. "Did you ever go to any festivals where you lived?"

I nodded. "Once. My father brought me down the mountain with Mom for it. There wasn't as much set up as this place has, but it was still pretty. Dad ended up dying a few months later though so we didn't go to any more festivals. Mom couldn't do much after he died...." I trailed off, looking at the ground.

Zenitsu rubbed my back a bit, squeazing my hand. I hadn't realized he'd been holding it.

I smiled and wiped my eyes a bit, looking at him. "Let's go wander around and see what's here."

"Alright." Zenitsu smiled.

So we did. We played some games, ate, and just walked around for a while. It was nice to go somewhere again. It felt kinda nostalgic but I couldn't stop myself from stealing glances at Zenitsu. I just started feeli g warm when I was around him, or when he'd come close to help me with things.


"Did you have a good time?" Zenitsu asked, opening the door for me.

I nodded, stepping inside. "Thank you for taking me out."

He nodded and followed, closing the door behind him. "I'm glad."

I smiled and stretched a bit, looking around the house. I walked over to a lamp and lit it, looking at Zenitsu. "Do you wanna stay up for a bit longer?"

"Yeah, I'm not tired yet." He said, walking over and hanging the lantern up.

I watched him, smiling to myself a bit.

"Hm?" He asked, smiling back.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure." I smiled.

"Smiling for no reason?" He asked.

"No." I said.

He nodded and stepped closer, holding my hands. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He smiled a bit and laughed a little. "Your heartrate increased. Did I scare you?"

"No." I said, looking up at him.

He nodded, playing with my hair.

"Zenitsu?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I think I fell in love with you." I whispered.

Thunderstorms (Zenitsu X Reader(female) Where stories live. Discover now