18- Bad News

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"Thanks for helping, but I could've handled it myself." Aoi said, shutting the towel closet.

I shrugged. "I wanted to help."

She nodded and waved, walking away.

I smiled and turned, starting to walk back to my room. I watched the floor as I walked and held my hand on the wall in case I would fall again. It had been happening ever since I'd come out of the demon's control.

"Rai." I beard Zenitsu say.

I looked over my shoulder and smiled. "I heard your footsteps ever so slightly today."

He nodded. "Good."

"Are you having a good day?" I asked.

"It... could be better."

I nodded and startes walking again, getting a little brave and taking a couple of steps a bit faster without the wall. "I'm gonna be helping in missions again soon." I smiled, turning on my heel to face Zenitsu.

He grinned slightly, but it didn't reach his eyes as usual. I shrugged it off a bit and stepped outside, picking up one of the wooden swords for training and smiled, tossing another to him. "Let's spar for a little bit. I think I can do it all again. My movement is better."

Zenitsu nodded slightly and walked over.

I smiled and got into position, as did he.

"3..." I started.


"Go!" I said, intantly jumping back from Zenitsu when he stepped forward. I stepped to the side and moved behind him for a moment, only to get poked in the stomach with his sword.

"Point for you." I said, getting into stance again and counting down.

"Rai." Zenitsu said.

"Hm? I asked, moving to stab at him.

"I've got... news."

"What? That you're gonna trip me for this win?" I asked, jumping over his slower swing. I ducked under the fast one and thrusted the wooden sword at his stomach.

"No, not that at all. Nothing to do with training." He said, sliding out of the way and trying to trip me.

I jumped, higher for a moment, landing beside him. "Then what?"

"It's more so about your future." He said, knocking me down.

"My future?" I asked, smiling on the inside as I rolled back to my feet quickly.

He nodded, swinging at me a couple times. He missed, as I continued to step back and counter. Our swords connected a few times, the wood clacking together loudly.

"What kind of news about my future would this be?" I asked, knocking his hilt and going for his stomach.

He blocked it, our swords being pressed together in an 'X' as we both pushed. Zenitsu looked at me with his honey colored eyes.

"You need to leave the corps." He said.

I relaxed out of shock, getting knocked to the ground. I sat up, staring at him. "Why?! I'm just fine, and I haven't done anything wrong." I said.

"You're gonna get killed. Didn't you see what happened last time? You're still recovering from that demon."

"But I'm getting stronger all the time so I can take demons like her next time!" I said.

Zenitsu shook his head. "I'm not allowing you to."

I glared and tripped him, setting the wooden blade to the side of his neck. "You lost."

"I'm sorry." He said, getting up.

"Come on, give me another chance." I said.

He shook his head and started walking away. "There are normal clothes waiting for you at my house."

I followed. "I'll train harder and get better."

He shook his head.

"I'll go on smaller missions and work my way up."


"Please! I promise I'll be careful!" I said, stepping in front of him. I dropped to my knees, holding onto his haori. "Please...." I mumbled, choking back tears.

"Goodbye Rai." Zenitsu said, walking past me.

I stared, tears streaming down my face.


I got to Zenitsu's home by sunset. I had dragged my feet getting there. I didn't want to walk anymore. I just wanted to lay down and fall asleep.

I walked inside and picked the clothes up. It was a kimono, more traditional looking in all honesty.... I unfastened my belt, and set it and the sword down. I changed into the clothes, looking in the mirror. A black kimono with poppies covering it. They were a bright red color. Vibrant. The belt had a gold tie around it. There were a few golden hairpins with the red flowers on them as well. I walked over and brushed my hair, putting it up and placing the pins in carefully.

This feels more like celebration wear.... I thought. "Where are the normal clothes at...?"

"The color suits you."

Thunderstorms (Zenitsu X Reader(female) Where stories live. Discover now