Chapter 21 Another one gone

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I sat in the pizza place, chewing on my double cheese pizza....alone. Funny isn't it, I have 2 boys absolutely in love with me and the rest of the boy population in school wanting to have a chance to be close to me at least. But I was alone, with not date, just pizza.

The rest of the place was almost empty. Just a drunk, weird bearded guy and 2 teenage boys who were kissing like there is no tomorrow. Just then the door of the shop opened, in walked Mickey. I watched him quietly as he ordered a double cheese pizza at the counter. He then scanned his eyes over the seats to find any empty. That's when he spotted me.

It's no surprise he's here. This pizzeria was mine and Mickey's favorite place. We had made it a habit to come here at least once a week. It wasn't a very IN place but sold the best double cheese pizzas in the world. "Hey" he said as he neared me with his pizza in his hand.


"May I?"


"So, how are you doing?"

" fine. You?"

"I'm fine too"

Then we just settled into this very awkward silence.

"Mickey" I said sighing, finally breaking the silence, "I miss ya old pal. Can friends again?"

He didn't answer, I continued, " I know things have been difficult the past few months but I have to admit, I miss my old group. Especially you and frazzle, since you guys were my best friends and you mean more than the-"

"Oh, cut it with the big emotional speech Dope!" he said, grinning.

I felt happiness surge in me, "And he's BACK! Ma man!" then we proceeded into an overly weird hug.

"Come on" Mickey said getting up, "Let's take a trip to the past"

I took his offered hand and we walked out towards my car. Spending time with my friends is what I need now, no BOY DRAMA..

That's when I got a phone call. "Hello?" I asked into the phone

"Is this Ms. Lively?" A man asked at the other end

"Yes. Who is this?"

"Ma'am, I am speaking from the hospital. Your uncle, Carlos Lively had met with a tragic accident."

That's when my world stopped. No, no, not my only family.

"city hospital mam. I request you to get her immediately. It's critical"

I practically flew to my car, everything else was a blur. Mickey kept on asking me what was wrong but I just grasped his hand tightly and focused on holding my tears and getting to the hospital.

I rushed into the hospital, "CARLOS. CARLOS LIVELY!" I told the receptionist.

"Yes mam, room 234"

"Thank you" I said as I ran up the stairs snd rushed towards the room. If anything happens to Carlos, I dont know what I would do. What would I tell Cordelia? Their wedding is next week....this CAN NOT be happening.

A doctor came out shaking his head in defeat.

"Doctor?" I said wildly. I was breathing heavily and was going crazy with thoughts.

"I am sorry Ma'am. He was pronounced dead on arrival."

My arms dropped, I stood completely stiff. All the voices around me disappeared. I fell to the floor, and layed down on my back staring at the white wall and trying to make sense out of what I was doing. Everything was just a blur. And then I did something crazy, I started laughing!

"You took him away too" I said, laughing harder, "You know what, you have given me so much pain that I have gone numb and I don't feel it anymore."

I was still guffawing like an ugly walrus. "This is the final straw. How much more pain can you give me? HAHAHA. DO whatever you want. Fate has played a very ugly game with mre god.

I held my stomach as it hurt by all the laughing. "You took him away too.HA"

"I don't care anymore"

A moment of silence for Carlos lively
😔 m sorry guys but.... Cassandra is meant to be very hurt and damaged. M sorry
I liked Carlos

The players will payजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें