Chapt. 9 Abigail harper? how low can u go?

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As I returned from school in the afternoon, I immediately went to the bathroom and wiped off the makeup and remove my slutty clothes. Earlier today, I had witnessed Woods sucking Abigail Harper's face. She was another girl like the old Cassandra, she was a pretty good idiot with slight popularity. I scrunched my face in disgust, Abigail doesn't know what Woods is going to do to her after he takes her virginity. "He's gonna dump you for someone else girl" I wanted to say to her but she was already trapped. I wasn't in the place to free her, She wouldn't budge even if I tried.

Woods had a weird choice in picking girls he wants to play with, I had kept a close eye on him for 3 months. He always chose simple and sweet girls, the ones who were shy and softspoken but at the same time had a killer body which they tended to hide. He found pleasure and humor in breaking the hearts of the girls who least expected him to. Everyone knew he was a player, all of those girls know he would break their heart but when they reject him, he puts on an act of 'they were changing him' and all that crap. And then they thought that they were different and that they were actually changing him.

That was what I usually did, for the ones who rejected me because they knew I would break their heart. But trust me, majority of the playboys just let me in for a week of sex.

My revenge plan was simple, I was going to put on an act of 'him changing me' and then crush him when he falls in love.

This time when me and Woods date, he is the one who is going to fall in love.

Now you may be thinking that taking revenge from the playboys by using their tactics is being just as bad as them.

Well, yes. It's what they deserve, even when I was being just like them. And as for karma, I don't worry about it, because to all the girls affected by the players, I am the incarnation of karma, and can karma get karma? I think not.

I know that Woods had dated me before and hadn't fallen in love. But I was a different girl back then. I know to date him I have to be the way I was before, but only a bit different.

This time, I was not going to act a like blushy, desperate sweet bimbo. I was going to be strong, but vulnerable.

I now know Woods. And I know the exact figurine and attitude of the girl he would fall in love with. And I would be just that.

Now back to the matter at hand...

So, I saw Abigail and Woods shamelessly making out and started my brilliant act of jealousy...

So now, I am just going to act (even in my thoughts) that I really am affected. Don't think that can ever actually like him. Just go with the flow gal.

My fists were clenched and my face was blazed with anger as I saw Woods touching SOMEONE who is not me. I know I shouldn't care as he was the boy who had broken my heart to pieces but when I saw them I felt something clench my heart, my world was being ripped apart.

Abigail Harper, you are so dead.

I stormed up to them and yanked Abigail by the hair, away from Woods's face. She screamed in pain, "what the hell?" she yelled at me.

I glared at her, shooting daggers. She shuddered back... "S-sorry"

Woods was mad, "Don't say sorry Abby..." he said, consoling her and then he turned to me, " What was that all about?"

My anger had toned down a little, but I was still pretty furious. But I was confused, why do I even care? "I-I-Dunno honestly" I admitted quietly.

My anger had now subsided.

He raised his eyebrow, "I think you still like me."

"No" I quickly said, flustered. Seriously, I was a blubbering mess. This was NOT Cassandra lively, she never stutters like a fool.

My cheeks had turned red, "I-I have to go" I managed to spit out. Then I quickly shot away...

I went to the washroom and locked myself into one of the stalls. I sank down to the ground and rested my back against the door, clenching my hair. My heart was thudding in my chest, Do I really like woods?

And that's basically what happened.

I gazed at myself in the mirror, I was back to old Cassandra. I then rubbed my face vigorously giving an effect that I was recently crying. I had worn a plain white t-shirt and baggy grey pants with my worn out old converse. My eyes were puffy and my face was red, my hair was tied into a messy pony and I had fake tears rolling down my cheek. I looked miserable, like I had gone through a break up.

This was the appearance I was going to be in when I got to school tomorrow.

But it was actually a ploy for Woods to think that he broke my heart again as I like him and he was sucking the face of Abigail, and that was the reason I was a mess.

I was going to look horrid tomorrow in school...


SO basically guys, I am going to write the rest of the revenge of woods with even in her thoughts, that she has actually fallen for him again okay?Don't think that it is all real.

This is a short chapter but I will be updating very soon


(Oh that reminds me, m gonna go eat some cheerios)

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