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There are so many things that can go wrong. From the moment William steps out of his professor's office to the moment he realizes that he has to search for the guy who just called him a thief. William knows... or he has now realized that this person, this Oliver is none other than the roommate of Jason who was out of town a week ago.

Not that that's not bad enough, because William has tried his possible best to forget that failure of a one-night stand, but he also can't seem to find the tall blond anywhere. Being unable to find him as well as Jason himself was not something William had anticipated when he had only four hours to submit the assignment. Once he left the office, he set off to find the guy or a-hole as he had deemed him in his mind, thinking that the man was still in the building. William combed the four floors of the science building until he realized that the tall man could have actually left.

Oliver, the name replays in William's mind. Oliver. With a name like that, it's no wonder finding him is a nightmare, William thinks. How is he going to find one tall blond man with green eyes on a campus of over 25,000 students?

How do I even know that he has green eyes?

William doesn't have time to answer that question because, at this point, he is almost close to throwing himself in a lake. That was a much easier death than walking around campus without food in his stomach. His first thought is to go to Jason's dorm with the hope of meeting him there and perhaps his roommate as well. If Oliver is not there, Jason would definitely have a way to find him.

It's a good plan... until William begins to think of what the frat house is called.

Pi Beta Gamma?

Alpha Alpha Kappa?

Delta Kappa Sigma?

"Fuck. Me!" William groans. He leans against a pillar in the courtyard of the science building and almost slides down to the floor.

There has to be a way to solve his dilemma. There was, except that it came with dire consequences. With enough courage, William sucks in a deep breath and takes out his phone.

"This is for you, prof," he whispers.

Hey girl! He presses send.

What's up? Hope you good!

What's the name of the frat house on campus?

It's a bit rude, but William needs to go straight to the point. He breathed in and hits send. Almost instantaneously, his phone rings. He winces, but answers it anyway.

"You fucker!" Alyssa's voice screams. "How very dare you?"

"Hi, Alyssa!" William responds with a little enthusiasm. It's not very nice to ditch your best friend for a night of video games and then call her shortly after to ask for a favor.

"Don't you Hi me," she mocks. "You stood me up at my back-to-school party!"

"I know, Aly, and I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you," William promises.

Alyssa is quiet for a moment. She knows her friend, it's not like him to back out on promises. But he did hurt her by standing her up to play video games so she's not sure to forgive him. Still, she couldn't stay mad at him forever, could she?

William's shoulders sag in relief when he hears her sigh.

"Fine," Alyssa groans. "You owe me. Big time!"

"You're literally the sweetest!"

"Save it for your mistresses," she remands.

"I don't have mistresses."

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