Confusion and pain

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 With a final wave, we pulled down the street as I watched them disappear in the side view mirror. After about ten minutes dad said "you might as well try to get some sleep. We won't be there for another four hours."

"Okay, I'll do that" I said checking my phone before settling in to sleep. I woke to the sound of a door closing when dad climbed back inside the SUV.

"Ah, sorry did I wake you kiddo? I didn't mean to, I just needed some caffeine. Go back to sleep, we've still got about an hour and a half to go" dad said as he started the SUV.

"Okay," I said and closed my eyes again trying to sleep but images of Cam kept playing through my head as I recalled our conversation from earlier tonight. After a few minutes of trying, I resigned myself to looking out the window into the darkness and thinking about Cam for the rest of the drive.

As we pulled into the long driveway, I checked my phone again and realized I had no signal. "Great this is gonna suck," I thought putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Oh right, there's no signal out here. Luckily your grandad has internet thought so your schooling won't be a problem. I believe he also has a car you can borrow to go to town since there's nothing within walking distance" dad said noticing my look of discontent. Finally pulling up to the house, I could see it was a nice looking two story house in the light of the headlights. As we got out of the Highlander, dad said "I'll stay here tonight and tomorrow we'll go see your grandad at the hospital. I'll make sure you have everything you'll need for the next few days before I go home tomorrow night."

"Okay," I said as I got my stuff out of the back of the SUV. Following dad into the house, I asked "does it matter which room I'm in?"

"I've already asked your grandad about that and he said no as long as it's not the one with all the family photos in it because that's his room" he answered turning on the lights before saying "oh and there is no wifi password since this is the only house for five miles."

"Okay," I said heading up the stairs. Choosing the room to the right at the top of the stairs, I put my bags down on the floor by the closet before getting out my laptop and setting it up on the desk. Once I was logged in and connected to the internet, I sent an instant message to Amy explaining that I had no service but I have access to the internet so that's how we'll have to communicate.

-Cams' Point of View-

Heading up the stairs, I entered my room and closed the door before sliding down it as happy tears and giggles erupted from me. After a few minutes, I realized I had no reason to be happy since we weren't dating and I still technically had a boyfriend that I wanted to give a chance. Calming myself, I pulled out my phone and checked for new messages. With no messages to answer, I got up off the floor and walked over to my desk. Glancing over, I saw Haydens' light was still off. "Hmm I guess he's talking to his family" I thought placing my book bag on the desk before turning to change into shorts and a t-shirt for bed before returning to my desk to study. Standing in front of my desk again, I checked my phone once again and out of the corner of my eye noticed Haydens' light click on. Not wanting to seem like I was waiting to see it, I put down my phone and began pulling my books out of my bag to start homework. Sitting at my desk, I organized my homework based on what was due first before glancing over at the window. Watching, I noticed that Amy was in Haydens' room too and it looked like they were having an intense discussion. *beep, beep, beep* my phone alerted me to a new message pulling me away from the window. Checking, I noticed the new message was from Jon.

"Hey, did everything go okay at practice today?" the message said.

Deciding to reply, I wrote back "yeah, we both kicked the crap out of each other. I'm sure my ribs will be bruised tomorrow. We also talked on the way home." Jon immediately wrote back "that's gonna suck but it's good you actually got to talk."

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