Fighting ourselves

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A look of immediate understanding crossed Cam's beautiful face before he said "yeah that would be a dirty trick" just as his features became a stone cold mask hiding his true emotions.

"Yeah, I knew that would give you the push you needed. Just know I'm gonna use my emotions too so it should be a fair enough fight" I said before launching myself at Cam again. After some time had passed sensei called "alright, that's enough for tonight" before signaling for a student to ring the gong again. As we passed sensei, he asked "are you two alright? Seemed like you had an argument there at the beginning."

"Yes sensei, everything is fine. Cam was just worried that he hit me too hard since I've been out all week" I said covering for both of us.

"Ah, okay. You boys be careful and get home safe" sensei said with a dismissive wave.

"Yes sensei," we said in unison and then continued to the locker rooms. After we showered and changed, I asked "will Jonathan be waiting for you?"

"I don't think so. He didn't say anything before he left earlier and I don't have any messages" Cam said checking his phone before slipping it into his jeans pocket.

"Maybe he is trying to give us room to talk without an audience" I said sitting on the bench in front of our lockers and looking at my hands.

"Yeah maybe. Does that mean you're ready to talk?" he asked turning to face me after locking his locker.

"I can try. You know I've never been good at that" I said still looking at my hands.

"Well, then lets try while we walk home. We could even get food at the pancake shop and talk there" he said putting his back to the lockers.

"Okay," I said before getting up to lock my locker. As we left the Do Jo, I was quiet until Cam paused in front of the shop. Pointing at it with his thumb, he said "lets sit and talk." Without a word, I moved towards the building. Once inside, we were greeted by our favorite waitress,Tess, who told us our table was empty and to seat ourselves.

As we made our way to the table, I looked around at everyone at the surrounding table. Noticing the nearest person was seated three tables away, I exhaled knowing we wouldn't be overheard. Taking our seats, I decided to give Hayden some time to get his thoughts together. After Tess came to confirm our orders and left again, I asked "are you ready to talk?"

"I guess, there's still some things I don't understand myself though" he said.

"Would it help if I asked specific questions to start?" I asked.

"Yeah maybe though I'm not sure I'll have specific answers" Hayden said looking at his hands beneath the table.

"Why do you keep doing that? The only times you could look me in the eye were when you were angry or back at the do jo" I asked a little annoyed.

"I can't look at you without wanting to kiss you but since you have Jonathan that's not fair to any of us" he said looking embarrassed.

Shocked I asked, "is that why you always look pissed when you see us together?"

"Pretty much though I'm pretty sure it's just a shield to hide what I'm really feeling" Hayden said still refusing to look at me.

"Why did you go to the roof the day I found you up there crying?" I asked after our food had been delivered.

"Because I needed to be alone but I wanted to be somewhere that meant something to us" he said looking at me when he said the last part before looking away again.

"You said seeing Jon and I kissing made you realize your true feelings for me. How? Explain it to me" I said wanting to know what had changed for Hayden.

A Mutually Assure AttractionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ