Chapter twenty

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I felt the bed move and I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Y/n getting out of bed. 

"Where do you think you're going?" I groaned and sat up. She looked back at me and smiled, 

"I'm just going to the bathroom loverboy" she chuckled. As soon as she was out of the room I looked at the time, 03.47am. damn, that's so early. I laid back down waiting for Y/n to come back. I heard the door open and close again, I looked over to beautiful Y/n walking over to the bed. 

"Go back to sleep dummy, you don't have to wait up for me" she smiled, 

"i would rather wait" i said pulling her onto the bed. She laughed and snuggled closer to me, her face was buried in my neck. 

"You know I love you very very much, right?" she asked and kissed my neck. (not in the sexual way mf) 

"i know, and i love you too very very much" i answer, and kiss her forehead. We soon fell back to sleep. The next morning or should i say afternoon, it was about 02.30pm and i was still tired as fuck. Y/n was still sleeping, I scrolled through twitter waiting for her to wake up. She began to move a little bit, i thought she was gonna wake up but no. 

Still sleeping, I chuckled to myself and slipped out of bed. I walked out to the kitchen and got some water, Wilbur came out of his room and did the same. 

"Is she still sleeping?" he asked, I nodded and laughed. 

"Yeah she could sleep all day" i said. 

"Will you two shut the fuck up im trying to sleep" Y/n said, i looked over to where the voice came from. I saw her standing with a blanket around her body and her hugging it. Wilbur and I just stood looking at her,

"Can you?" she asked again. We both nodded and then she went to her room again. 

"She's still on her lady days, that's why she's sleeping so much. She just wants it over with" Wilbur told me, i chuckled and took some more water. 

"Want to go get some things for her? Like chocolate and some other stuff?" he asked and looked over at me. 

"Why not, just let me change first" i said, he nodded and i went back into Y/n's room. 

"Be quiet" I heard her mumble from the bed, I didn't say anything. I grabbed some clothes and went out of the room to change, then went back in with my other clothes. I met Wilbur at the front door, then we walked out to his car and began driving to tesco. 

Wilbur parked the car and we split up so it was gonna take less time. I was on ice cream and Wilbur was on chocolate. I knew her favourite ice cream was f/i/c (favourite ice cream, duh) so it was easy for me, and i didnt know more than two of her favourite chocolates. 

We met up at the register, I paid because I felt like being nice to my girlfriend. As we were walking out to the car, I realised that none of us have been streaming in like over a month. I didn't want to stream because of what happened to Y/n, and I know Wilbur felt the same way. 

But what about Y/n? Did she want to stream? I asked myself, i was gonna talk about it with her later. Wilbur drove to starbucks so we could get her favourite drink from there, we got in the drive thru. 

The line was crazy long, so we started vibing to music. A real brother moment, I didn't realise that it was our turn until Wilbur turned off the music. He ordered the drink and we got it in about a minute or two later. We got home and I took the bag and the drink, then headed to Y/n's room. I knocked and walked in, I saw she was under the blanket now. 

"Y/n? Wilbur and I got snacks and your favourite drink from starbucks, do you want me to set the bag and leave?" I asked, stepping closer to the bed. She took her head out from under the blanket, she shook her head. 

"I want you to stay and cuddle with me" she looked at me with puppy eyes. I chuckled and went over to her nightstand with all the things. She shot up from under the blanket and took the bag, she looked through it and then looked up at me. 

"No spoon?" she asked, i quickly went to the kitchen to get one. I returned to her room and gave her the spoon, she took out the ice cream and began eating it. 

"This shit is so good!" she said, i laughed and got on the bed with her. I put on Hamilton, I know she loves it allwell so it was no problem for her. We sang along to all of the songs, Hamilton was definitely our favourite musical. 

I put her comfort movie on when it ended, and i felt really tired so i thought why not take a nap. I guess Y/n could see I was tired because she patted her stomach, knowing how much I like napping on it. I smiled and laid between her legs and wrapped my arms around her. She giggled and kissed my forehead. 

"Have a good nap, pretty boy" she whispered and began playing with my hair, I smiled and kissed her hand. 

"See you later my love" I said and put my head on her stomach, then slowly drifted off to sleep.


I heard Tommys soft snores after a few minutes, I looked at him and admired his face and his soft golden hair. I thought it was cute that he loved to sleep on my stomach, as I ran my fingers through his hair I heard my door open. Will walked in and smiled, I returned the smile. "You better be quiet, if he wakes up i will kill you" i said and gave him a death stare, he gulped and nodded. "I just wanted to tell you that we are moving" he smiled, moving? What if we were moving further away from tommy? "Hey hey hey, easy Y/n. We're moving to brighton. Niki and I bought a house there, and we wanted to ask Tommy if he would wanna move in with us" he said, my face lit up. (just so were clear, i don't ship niki and wilbur) "I would hug you, but i have a lovely boy on me" i said quietly, "its okay, just come into my room when he wakes up and then we can talk about it" he told me, i nodded and smiled. "I love you will" I said, he chuckled and smiled. "I love you more Y/n" he smiled and patted my head, "I'm not a dog" i said going back to my death stare, Will got scared i could see it in his eyes. He walked out of my room slowly, I loved that he was scared of me sometimes. A few minutes passed, and I began to fall asleep too.


I woke up and saw Tommy still asleep on my stomach, I let him sleep until he woke up. He woke up about 10 minutes after me, he looked up at me and smiled. 

"Did you have a good nap?" i asked him,

"yeah, you're a really good pillow" he said with a groan. 

"Will wants to talk with us when we're ready" I smiled and began to play with his hair, he nodded and closed his eyes again. I soon realised that he was slowly falling asleep again, so I quickly removed my fingers from his hair. He looked at me in shock, 

"Hey! Do that again, it was nice" he said. 

"No, because then you will fall asleep again, and will wants to talk with us, remember?" I said. He groaned and sat up, I looked at him and chuckled. He patted my stomach and said. 

"I will see you later" referring to my stomach. Then he stood up and walked over to my bathroom. I got a weird boyfriend. I stood up and walked over to my closet, I couldn't find what I was looking for. I remembered that it was in Tommy's suitcase. I went out to the front door and got our things, then walked back to my room. 

I opened his suitcase and looked for my favourite hoddie of his. As I looked through his suitcase I could hear the bathroom door open. I didn't look over at him, I just wanted the hoodie. 

"Y/n? What are you looking for?" He asked, I looked over at him and saw he had the hoodie in his hand. I stood up and walked over to him, I snatched the hoodie from him. He chuckled and cupped my cheeks, he then kissed me on the lips. When he pulled away he removed some of my hair behind my ear. 

"You taste like ice cream" he said with a quiet laugh. I gasped and pushed him out of the way, so I could get ready in the bathroom. After I did my business, I looked at myself in the mirror. Tommy made me the happiest girl in the world, I hoped to spend the rest of my life with him.

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