Chapter two

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I couldn't get Y/n out of my head. 

When I left the call a little over one week ago, the first thing my mind went to was Y/n. I wanted to ask Wilbur for her number, but that seemed a little weird. 

maybe i will ask for her discord today, if she even has discord. i mentally slapped myself for thinking so much about her. 

Is it because I like her? 

Do I like her? 

I can't like my best friend's sister? 

can i? 

I would be wrong. 

Wilbur would kill me, well why not try. I rolled over in my bed to check my phone.

I turn it on and look at the time, 03:19 am. It's so early, I think to myself. I could text Wilbur about Y/n? It would be easier than saying it over a call. 

I pulled up Wilbur's contact and began texting. 

'Heyy Will! I was wondering if I could get Y/n discord? if she has it of course.. :)' and send. 

Now we just wait for the answer. 


I looked at my phone seeing wilbur had texted me back. I opened my phone and went straight to my texts. I looked at the message I got from wilbur. or so i thought. 

'Hi Tommy, It's the one and only Y/n that's texting rn, hehe. But yeah of course you can get my discord :) D/N #D/T. There you go, hope to see you in my dms xD' (D/N = Discord name, D/T = Discord tags) 

I smiled at the text, and went to discord. I added her and she added me back immediately. 

I moved to my computer since I couldn't sleep anyway. i texted her in discord, 

'Heyy Y/n, what are you doing up and with wilburs phone?' I went to spotify and pressed play on my playlist. 

'Hello there Toms ;) Wilbur and I just got done watching a movie, and he was using the toilet when I texted you back' she texted me back. 

'Ah, nice. Can we call or are you watching more movies with wilbur?' I texted. 

I really wanna talk to her, and get to know her better. I think that is just gonna get my crush on her to grow bigger, but who cares anyway. 

'Let me just go in my room and turn on my pc, then i will be ready :)' she texted back. 

I blushed at her text, she's just so cute and kind.


"Will im going to talk to one of my friends, if thats okay?" i ask wilbur, 

"yeah, yeah of course. im gonna go to bed anyways, night n/n" he said. 

"night Will!" i yelled as i ran up the stairs, i ran to my room and closed the door beheind me. 

i turned on my computer and sat in my chair. My set up was really gamer like, so i had three screens, rainbow mic and keyboard, simple black mouse, headphones and a gaming chair.

 i know, real class. i put on my headphones and called tommy. 

"hello?" tommys voice says, 

"hi toms" i say. 

"toms? really Y/n" he laughs, 

"yeah, its either toms or child. you choose" i tell him. 

"TOMS SOUNDS FINE!" he yells,

"arent your parents asleep?" i ask him, 

"my dad had some business meetings in london and my mom left with him, so im alone for like two weeks" he answers.

"oh okay. you know what would be fun?" i ask him. 

"what?" he asked, 

"If i went to your place. i know we met like one week ago, but still" i say, 

"i mean it's only one and a half hour with the train, soo" i add. 

"i would love if you came to my house, but would Wilbur even let you go by yourself?" he asks me, 

"I could go ask?" i say, he hums in agreement. 

"alright be right back" i take my headset off and walk out of my room. 

shit! i forgot wilbur said he was going to bed. 

maybe hes still awake? I walk up to his and knock. 

"yes?" i hear him say, i slowly open the door and walk in. 

"hey whats up?" he asks, 

"i was wondering if i could go to Brighton for two weeks?" i say, 

"what? no! are you out of your mind? who would you even stay with? you don't have any friends in Bri--.. OOOH! you want to visist tommy?!" he finally gets the point i think to myself as i nod my head. 

"yeah, there's a train leaving in.." I say as I search it up on my phone. 

"two hours.." i say with a small voice. 

"let me just call tommy and talk with him about it" he says pulling his phone out of his pocket. 

"you can just use my computer, im on a call with him right now" i say. he nods and follows me to my room. 

"Hey Tommy, will you need to talk with you, if that's okay?" I say to tommy. 

"yeah, put him on '' I can hear him smile. I hand wilber the headset and walk over to my bed. I don't really pay attention to what they are saying. 

"N/n?'' I look up to see Wilbur hung up on tommy. 

"Pack a suitcase for two weeks! and hurry up, if you wanna make the train that leaves in two hours!" he claps his hands, as i stand up to find my things.


I finished packing a few minutes ago. I took my suitcase downstairs. 

Will was driving me to the station and it's only a twenty minute drive, so we have to leave in a bit.

I'm going to miss Wilbur so much, I need my big brother. 

Now I sound clingy, but I see him everyday and have lived with him all my life. 

"Y/N!" he yelled and snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Come on! you have a train to catch!" he said. 

I took my suitcase and walked out of our house, and got in wilburs car. I texted Tommy that I was on my way to the train station.

oh boy this was gonna be hard with the little crush growing on tom, i thought

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