Chapter twelve

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I woke up Tommy so he wouldn't have to wake up to me yelling at my lovely brother, whos not so lovely right now.

I stood up and walked over to the door. It was around dinner time so everyone should be up, so I stepped into the hallway. 

"WILLIAM!" I yelled, and heard someone say '

first name, just hope it isn't full name. Because then your fucked!' 

"FUCKING" i yelled again walking closer to the staris. 

"GOLD!" I yelled walking down the stairs, hearing a few 

'oh your dead' on the way. I heard tommy run after me, i looked over to the couch where Will was sitting. I smirked and ran towards him, full on jumping on his body. I began playfully hitting him. 

"WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT PICTURE ON TWITTER!" i yelled as i kept hitting him. 

Everyone around us began laughing, i looked back at tommy to see him looking at his phone. Then he looked at me with a surprised face. He must have seen the picture now, i then looked back at Will. then looking him deep in the eyes. 

Know it makes him weak. Everytime we lock eyes for about 20 seconds, its automatically an starring contest. I win everytime, of course. Hes weak. 20 seconds, went by and we kept having eye contact. 

"Uhm.. what are you guys doing?" Dream asked, 

"what does it look like, dream?" i asked him, still starring into wilburs eyes. His eyes began to water, 

"aw, are you getting weak big brother?" i asked.

"No! Your just so- so.." he said, 

"come on William. I know your getting weak, just give up. You know you dont have a chance against me" i told him. He was silent for about 15 seconds, then he blinked. 

"HA! Im a god!" i stood up and yelled. 

"Wilbur, how are you such a loser?" Niki asked,

 "OoO, you just got called a LoSER!" i said and getting a voice crack while saying 'loser'. Everyone laughed at me, i covered my face with my hands. 

After a while we all calmed down, then we ordered pizza and ate in silence. After we were done eating, the boys wanted to watch a horror movie, both Niki and i arent a fan of horror movies. 

So we walked upstairs to her room, 

"sooo Y/n, tell me about tommy" she said, i blushed and looked away from her. 

"Well, he's sweet, funny, handsome and just all that I seek in a boy, you know?" I told her, looking back at her again. 

"I just don't know why he hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend yet" Niki said, 

"I mean, it's still kinda fast, but we kissed the same day we met up in person. So I guess" i said, lifting my shoulders. We both brushed it off, and decided to watch a disney movie. We both then fell asleep.


I woke up to someone carrying me, I opened my eyes to see will. 

"Will?" I whispered, "shh, go back to sleep. I'm just taking you to Tommy's room" he said, I nodded my head and laid my head onto his chest. That didn't last long as he opened the door to Tommy's room. I heard Tommy say 

"just put her there, she will automatically cling onto me" but I mean he's not wrong. He can't just expect me to not cling onto him. As soon as Will put me down, I clung onto tommy. 

"See what i mean Wilbur, you have a clingy little sister" tommy said, after that i just pulled him closer. Will soon left the room, and Tommy kissed my forehead and drifted off to sleep. 

I opened my eyes to look at Tommy, for a minute or two. After that I drifted off to sleep as well.


After I put Y/n in Tommy's room, I went to nikis room. I knocked on her door, no response. I opened the door and saw her sitting up in bed. 

"Hey Will, what's up?" 

"Have Y/n told you anything about tommy?" I asked her, looking, making eye contact. 

"She told me enough to know that she loves him, I know they met not too long ago. But Will, you know what they say. Love at first sight? And soulmates, i don't know if they believe in that stuff, but it could be true. And you know it" she told me. 

Tommy told me enough to believe he was full on in love with my sister. 

"He told me something like that about her too" I told Niki, drooping my head. 

"I just don't wanna lose her. I know she's just getting a boyfriend but i need her, almost all the time" i said, 

"i know will, and you're not losing her just because she's getting a boyfriend. She's growing up, and she would never just leave you. You are her first choice, no matter what" Niki told me and wrapped me in a hug. Of course I hugged her back, then I got an idea. 

"What if I moved to Brighton and asked Tommy to move in with us, then she wouldn't leave as much?" I asked Niki, looking at her. 

"Will, do you think that Tommy's parents would allow that?" she asked, 

"well maybe if i got a house near them" i said. It could be a good and a bad idea, i mean what if they break up or they just get tired of eachother? I asked myself. 

"Thanks for listening to my problems Niki!" I said giving her a hug, 

"no problem will" she smiled. I stood up and walked over to the door, but before I walked out I turned around to niki again. 

"So it's Y/n's birthday in 2 days, and that means dress shopping. Are you ready for it?" I asked her, she nodded. 

"Alright, goodnight Niki" i smiled, 

"goodnight" she said back

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