Chapter seventeen

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Sorry for not posting, I got covid. Lucky me :/


We were on our way home from the beach, and Y/n was dead asleep. 

It was cute, she was leaning on my shoulder. Wilbur looked back at us a few times on the way. 

I wasn't 100% sure that he liked my little stunt at the beach, but he let me do it and hasn't said anything bad about it yet. That's good right? I asked myself. 

Y/n moved around a little, and laid down with her head in my lap. I began to play with her hair, and looked around in the car. Pretty much everyone was asleep, we had been fooling around at the beach for 3 hours so it was understandable. 

I began to drift off myself, when I woke we were at the house. Tubbo got super hyper and ran inside the house after getting the key, I let out a chuckle and began playing with Y/n's hair again. 

She opened her eyes and looked into mine. I smiled at her, she always looks cute when she wakes up. She smiled back and sat up. As she sat up she cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss, she pulled away and looked at me.

"Thank you for the best birthday ever Toms" she whispered to me, 

"No problem love" i responded. I took one of her hands into mine and opened the car door, when we both got out Wilbur was staring us down. Well mostly Y/n since I'm almost the same height as Wilbur. 

I don't understand how she can be so short when she's his little sister, the man is 6'6. Like damn. 

"Will don't stare at us like that" Y/n spoke before he could even say anything. 

"I just want you to be sure about this. I kinda don't think the best of it, maybe it isn't something you should do just yet" He said, I signed and looked down at the ground. 

"It's not like he proposed for real!" Y/n yelled, her grip got tighter on my hand. 

"You're getting angry! Over what!" Wilbur yelled back, i didn't want to be here for this but I had to. For Y/n at least.

"You're the one telling us that our choice is bad? I'm 17, almost an adult. He's 17, also almost an adult! I dont get why you can't just be happy for me, this one time in your goddamn life!" Y/n snapped at Wilbur. Oh boy.. This wasn't going to end well.


I was angry, I just wanted to run off. And I kinda did.. I went into the house, got changed and slipped out the backdoor, without anyone noticing. I didnt have my phone with me, kinda dumb. I don't know my way around. I'm in a whole new country. 

Y/n you fucking dumbass, i mentally slapped myself. The only thing I have with me is 5$, that already were in my shorts. Maybe I could find a store or something. I walked around for maybe 3 minutes, and saw a 7/11. 

I bought some water, and walked around a bit more until I remembered. I have my watch on! I can find my way back! Wait, I can't. I need my phone for that. At least I could see the time. I looked down at my watch and kept walking. I was trying to figure out a way I could find my way back to the house. I wasn't looking where I was going, and bumped into a person. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!'' I said looking up to see a man with his face full of anger.

⚠️TW: assault ⚠️

"Watch where you fucking going!" He yelled at me. I could smell the alcohol out of his mouth 

"Sir, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you" I said getting scared of his loud voice. He walked towards me and pushed me to the ground. I began to tear up, he pulled me by my hair into an alley. 

I kept yelling 'stop' but he just wouldn't. He began punching me in the stomach and my face. He made sure his punches were gonna leave bruises. He kicked me multiple times in the stomach as well. My whole body was just giving up. 

As he kept punching, I thought about my friends. About Tommy, but mostly about Will. What would he do without me, just like he said? He can't live without me. As my body nearly gave up I heard police sirens, the man looked at the street then back at me. 

"You're lucky!" he said and punched me one last time before running away.

⚠️TW: over mentions of blood ahead!⚠️

I laid on the ground for a few minutes, then I looked over to the street and saw a payphone on the other side. I pulled myself up slowly and winced a lot on the way, when I finally got myself to stand up I began walking. 

It was the most painful thing I've ever done. I got to the payphone after i don't know how long, honestly it felt like hours. I took out the money i had in my pocket, i dropped it many times because i was shaking so much. When I finally got it, I dialled Will's number. It rang once before he picked up. 

"Hello?!" he said into the phone, I coughed and held my stomach. 

"Y/n! Where are you?!" he asked. I looked around for some signs. 

"(random street), and please hurry I'm bleeding" I said with a shaking voice. 

"Stay on the phone Y/n!" he yelled, I could hear car doors closing over the phone. 

"Will?" I whispered. 

"What's up Y/n?" he said while sniffing. 

"I love you.." I said before passing out.


"Dream hurry up!" I cried. He drove faster, since he knew the way better I took him with me. Everyone was a mess back at the house, especially Tommy. After Y/n walked into the house, no one could find her. We tried calling her, but we found out her phone was in her room. 

It's all my fault. If i hadn't said those things about their decision. 

"god! im so stupid! It's all my fault. She wouldn't have sneaked out if I hadn't said those things to her!" I said, crying more. The thought of her gone, I just couldn't live that way. 

"It's not your fault she ran away Wilbur, she ran away herself" Dream told me, i looked over at him and mumbled a small 

'thanks' he smiled and told me we were at the street she said she was at. We drove slowly down the street, until dream saw her laying on the ground at a payphone. He drove over to her quickly and I got out of the car. I ran over to her and dropped onto my knees, i didn't care about the pain right now. All I cared about was Y/n.

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