He placed the final touch, an enchanting table. Then he went back inside before I could, so I couldn't warn them.

I knew he was trying to keep me from warning Ren and Martyn by telling me to evacuate. But I followed him inside and yelled, "It's a trap!"

Everyone turned and looked at me. "What?"

"Nooo!" Scar said nervously. "We just left a... a gift outside." Grian nodded in agreement.

"With a bunch of TNT under it?" I asked.

Ren, Skiz, and Martyn stared at us, following the conversation.

"Isn't that wonderful," Grian grumbled. "Let's go, Scar." Fuming, the Sand People left, not even saying hi to Jimmy Solidarity as they passed him at the doorway.

"I think we should go check it out. I mean, free TNT if we can disarm it, right?" Ren suggested.

Jimmy cleared his throat. "Hi, I wanna buy magical stuff."

Ren stared. "You could not have come at a worse time," he muttered.

Martyn jumped in. "Hey Jim, we're going to go check something out outside, maybe you saw it?"

"Yeah, I think it's a trap..."

"It is a trap," I said. "But we're going to take a look at it anyway because it could mean free TNT."

So out we went. We dug under the enchanting table and found some TNT, but it was in a minecart. Minecarts were always primed and were very delicate in the way that they could explode with the slightest touch. Martyn suggested shooting it from a distance and ran off, expecting us to as well. But Ren was set on getting that TNT.

Poor clumsy Jimmy jumped down into the hole to try and collect the minecart. But while picking up the iron, his hand brushed the explosives...


The explosion was the last thing I heard before the world went black.


I told you he was a traitor.

I knew it. I just didn't want to admit it.

You must take charge if you wish to have revenge.

"I'll have revenge either way."

You will regret your decision when the Red King rises, Bluemoon Tay.

And suddenly, I was back in the Crastle.

Bdubs, Cleo, and Impulse ran down the stairs. "Blue, are you okay?" But they kept their distance. I didn't blame them. I was a red name now.

"I won't hurt you," I assured them, and they all sighed with relief. "The only one I want to kill right now is Grian."

"What? But I thought he was your ally!" Impulse blurted.

"He was. Then he decided to blow us all up."

That reminded me to check my watch to see if anyone had survived the explosion.

Nobody who was right there had.

Jimmy Solidarity blew up
Ren Dog blew up
Bluemoon Tay blew up
Skizzle Man blew up

That made two new red names besides myself: Skiz, and Jimmy.

Two other red names who would possibly help me get revenge on the person whose fault it was... Grian.


I didn't even stop at Renchanting first. I didn't want to hear Martyn and Ren and any customers they might have apologize and be scared of me because I was allowed to kill them now. I wasn't even going to go to Jimmy or Skiz's base to ask them to come with me. I may have been with people the majority of the time I was here, but I preferred to work alone.

Life Hearts [A Third Life Fanfiction, previously called Three Hearts]Where stories live. Discover now