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Nagito stared at where the bear-like creature had just been. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle. This game didn't want him to find out the truth, not that that would stop him. Looking at his doppelgangers corpse he silently said his farewells then went on his way. He froze when he stepped outside. The sky was spazzing out as if it were glitching. The rest of his class was all staring at him. Hajime stood at the front of the pack. They all had smiles that looked wide enough to break their face. Nobody moved. Then somebody laughed, followed by another, and another until they all just stood there laughing. Laughing and smiling a horrific play. Then they each reached behind them and pulled out a knife. The hilt matching with each of their outfits, such as Saionji with a bright orange and Teruteru had white with a red stripe.

In sync they all stuck their hand and and swung it down into their own chest, still smiling. still laughing. Hajime stuck his now bloody knife out towards Hajime as they others began to shake and collapse, grabbing at their open stomachs.

Hajime Hinata: "Come on Nagito... Join us.... Despair is.. amazing~!!!" He barely finished before collapsing as well. Piles of dying bodies lay in front of him. Nagito wearily stepped forward then crouched down by Hajime's side. His breathing was unsteady and blood was pooling in his mouth. With his last energy he made a last smile at Nagito before coughing up the blood and going still. Nagito reached his hand out, transfering the knife from Hajime's hand into his own. He was going to join his friends. He lifted the knife to slide into himself but stopped. Nagi2.0's last words coming back to him. Know about jun... what is jun supposed to be. ugh his brain was really junk. junk... junko... yes... yes! thats it Junko Enoshima! Ultimate despair!! He could remember now what she was and what she stood for!!

He dropped the knife refusing to give in to her. He needed to stop her, whatever she was doing... All these ultimates died... died... die... dee....

Hajime POV

Hmmm Nagito still is sleeping... He passed out after getting sick in the restaurant... I hope he's okay... It's been two days already... I hope he wakes up soon... I sighed and looked out the window. I haven't felt like playing any games since he fell asleep. It's not as fun without him. "die..." Hmm? I turned to Nagito at the unexpected noise. He was whispering something. I immediately ran over to his side and grabbed his hand.

Hajime Hinata: "Nagito... take it easy... i'm here..." He unsteadily opened his eyes, he was shaking a little and tears dotted his eyes.

Nagito Komaeda: "A... are you.... Hah... Haji..." I held his hand a bit tighter making sure he could see me.

Hajime Hinata: "I'm here Nagito..." Tears started to slid down his cheeks yet he gave me a small smile.

Nagito Komaeda: "I'm.. so.. happy..." 

Hajime Hinata: "Why don't you rest... I can catch you up on what happened while you were asleep." He gave me a small nod as he leaned towards me more. "Well I'll start with when you first passed out...

Nagito hugged tight to me after getting sick before going limp. I quickly caught him but he didn't respond. Mikan had me bring him into his room then had him laid on the bed. He had a small fever and seemed to be dehydrated so she hooked up an IV to him. Then something strange happened. When Hajime woke up the next day, more of his real self was back in his body, though the happiness was still going strong. He was regaining his common sense and stopped getting brain damage.

Nagito laid still hardly moving aside for raspy breaths that sometimes would have spine chilling pauses in between them. He was looking very pale and was sweating profusely. By that morning he had looked like he was on the edge of life and death. Hajime couldn't do anything but wait for whatever was his fate. Then by chance he had woken up, and led up to now.

Nagito gave him a look that was as surprised as his condition would allow him.

Nagito Komaeda: "sss.... orry..." Hajime brushed back a lock of hair that had fallen into Nagitos eyes.

Hajime Hinata: "You dont have to apologise, im just glad your okay.." He gave Nagito a warm smile who slowly returned it. Without thinking, and partially because of the despair diseases effects, Hajime leaned forward placeing his lips onto Nagitos forhead giving him a gentle kiss. He stayed there for a second before he realized what he did. Hajime jumped back, his face heating up, Nagito looked surprised with a coat of red flushing his normally pale skin.

Hajime Hinata: "I- SORRY! I SHOULD GO." He bolted out the door before Nagito could object. He put his hand to his forhead where Hajime kissed him. He remained frozen while on the inside he was freaking out. Hajime had kissed him..? Hajime KISSED HIM?!? Nagito felt his face boiling as he covered it with his hands. Why did he do that... could he really? Nagito bit his lip. He couldn't be that lucky, could he? He knew his luck was great but now this was just asking for the impossible! Right...?

Meanwhile Hajime laid on his bed asking himself the samething. He knew Nagito was close to him, and he didn't exactly object to it, infact he more looked intrigued. Hajime flopped his head into his pillow and sighed, He had no idea what to do.

Hajime gets le despair disease cus im on drogsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora