Another New Hajime

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I don't know what to call him ima just say trigger happy hajime

Hajime POV

I woke up in a cabin. I climbed out of bed and opened the door to see Nagito. His face was ugly so i slapped it and walked past. He let out a gasp of surprise but I had better things to think about, Mama needs a new bazooka.

Nagito POV

As I went to knock on Hajimes door it suddenly opened. Without a second of hesitation he walked out, slapped me in the face, and kept walking. I just stood there not sure what to say. When I turned he was ready gone. I went back to the restaurant to see if he had gone there but he hadn't. He'd have to show up sometime so I just slumped into a chair against the window. Throughout the day people streamed in and out but still no Hajime, even by the time the night announcement went off he hadn't been there, why didn't the others find it weird. The next morning I decided to confront them about it. When everybody had arrived for breakfast I popped the question.

Nagito Komaeda: "Where's Hajime? Why hasn't he been around?" They all looked at me shocked. Some with pity and others just looked like they thought I was mad. The turned to each other whispering a few things before Mahiru and Byakuya came up to me.

Mahiru Koizumi: "Nagito... You don't remember do you..." She put a hand on my shoulder with tears in her eyes. Byakuya turned his head down solemnly with an almost sad look on his face.

Byakuya Togami: "Sometimes after a traumatic experience people will block off their memories.." 

Nagito Komaeda: "hah.. Okay is Ibuki up to this? What are you guys talking about?" I wouldn't mind if they were using me for laughs but I had to admit this was a little weird.

Mahiru Koizumi: "Nagito.... Hajime killed himself a week ago." I could feel my face drop. It was coming back to me... In the restaurant he had taken a grenade to himself... The blood... There was so much blood.... Everyone sobbed as they stared in horror at the multchy mess covering their hands. How I held his body in my arms as it cooled and he went still.


But how... I had seen him yesterday... I shoved those two away.

Nagito Komaeda: "STOP LYING TO ME!!! I KNOW HE'S.. HE's... he can't be...." I clenched my arms around my stomach. It couldn't be true.... But I knew it was.. I had watched the sad look in his dying eyes as he pulled the pin. The deafening sound followed by the splatter. It was sickeningly warm. I fell to my knees as I finally broke. I sobbed loudly Mahiru put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close as I just continued to cry. It hurt so bad...

My sorrow was interrupted by the loud crash of glass. I looked up to see the window had been shattered. It was... I felt my eyes widen as I saw him standing there.

"Sup bitches, I'm alive!" Hajime stood over the broken shards of glass with a rifle in each hand positioned behind his head.  Everyone was frozen. They had seen him blow up, they felt his blood on their hands, this was impossible!! "Aw is that the best greeting you can give me." He pouted before stretching and putting his hands in front of him, inspecting the two guns. "You know that game where you shoot at fake ducks? Ya know Saionji kinda looks like one.." he pointed it at her face causing her to whiten. Meanwhile Nagito was just happy he was alive. He ran up to him and hugged him causing him to jump, one of the guns went off narrowly missing saionji and hitting one of her pigtails instead.

Nagito Komaeda: "Haha! I knew you were alive!" Hajime shoved him off looking confused.

Hajime Hinata: "Hold on I thought I shot you..?" Suddenly the restaurant door slammed open and someone almost identical to Nagito stormed in besides for a bloody bandage around his shoulder.

Nagi2.0: "That's an imposter! I'm the real Nagito!" the real real Nagito just looked at him confused.

Nagito Komaeda: "Who are you?" Nagi2.0 went to reply before another gun shot rang through the air.

Nagi2.0: "AHHH FAAHHHKK" He screamed as he fell to the ground clutching his leg.

Hajime Hinata: "Perfect now we can tell them apart clear as day!" He put his hands on his hips with the stupidest grin on his face. Nagi2.0 stayed writhing on the ground while NAgito spoke overtop of him.

Nagito Komaeda: "Is this monokuma's doing? Another motive perhaps?" Hajime just looked at him confused.

Hajime Hinata: "Who is mono kooma?" Nagito's eyes widened.

Nagito Komaeda: "Perhaps only monomi...?" Again he recieved weird stares. "Wait they aren't here??" 

Ibuki Mioda: "You really are just like Nagito! He says those things too! Kinda funny ain't it?" he growled at that.

Nagi2.0: "I told you it's real! You guys just forgot!!" He slammed a fist on the ground then winced in pain.

Nagito Komaeda: "Forgot? So they don't remember anything about this island?"

Nagi2.0: "Nope, all these idiots think we're on some tropical vacation.." He grumbled, "And to make matters worse that dumbass hajime got out." huh? I turned to where Hajime was but now he was gone. Well now what... I let out a sigh as I sat beside the other Nagito. He was my best bet of figuring this all out.

Nagito Komaeda: "I need you to tell me all you do know, I can give you what I know in return..." The other Nagito sighed.

Nagi2.0: "Okay, but i probably don't know much than you... What do you know about jun-" He was cut off by another gunshot, this time hitting him straight in the head. I gasped and jumped back. He fell to the floor, blood puddling around him, his last words still etched into his mouth frozen. This time it wasn't Hajime who shot the gun. The familiar white and black bear stood there for a second before disappearing again.

Hajime gets le despair disease cus im on drogsWhere stories live. Discover now