peanut butter drop

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As thirteen year old Harry stood in front of the mirror, he felt more nervous than he'd ever been. He couldn't get his bow right. He just couldn't do it and there were more and more wrinkles every time he tied and untied the seemingly simple piece of cloth, and it was starting to drive him insane.

Thankfully, this was the time Louis happened to come and check up on his best friend and Harry suddenly forgot all about the wretched tie. Apparently, Louis had seen Harry's near-panic attack all over his face and graciously offered to help him tie the bow around the neck since he had had enough practice by now and apparently, Harry had accepted the help because in the next moment, Louis was standing closer than he ever had.

Their mouths were inches apart, their fancy, black shoes colliding against each other, and both of Louis' hands were around the younger boy's neck, his face also mere centimetres away as he peered over the right shoulder to properly tuck the back-end of the annoying cloth under Harry's collar properly.

"When did you learn to do this?"

"Sat down with my new step-dad just the other night. Didn't want to bother my mum with all of it. You know, since she's the bride and all."

"That's nice. I'm glad that you and your step-dad get along."

"I know, it's awesome because mum says that makes her really, really happy." Louis muttered nonchalantly as he bent his knees a smidge so that he could get a good look on Harry's tie, the latter still standing there, awkwardly still, with his hands at his sides and his breath just a tad bit laboured and his heart racing.

Contrary to how still his body was, Harry's eyes weren't static for a single second as his mind rushed to take him and inscribe into every single nook and cranny of his being just how beautifully gorgeous Louis looked in the moment.

The way his blue eyes were standing out against the black and white suit - like a rainbow in a dark and murky, post-rain sky - and the way his hair had been set to grace his face in the most adorable way possible. The way his tongue jutted out of his mouth in concentration and the way his touch was soft against Harry's shoulder and neck and jaw, as if he were the most delicate and precious thing in the entire world, as if he were the most important.

It caused Harry's toes to wiggle in his socks from how nice that felt to think. Obviously, he had no way of knowing if this was the truth or just his silly mind - probably the latter because that was almost always the case - but it was still nice. It was nice to think that he might be the most important thing in the world to Louis, because the blue-eyed boy sure was his.

"All done." Louis announced another minute later and both of them grinned as Harry inspected himself in the mirror. "All ready to walk down the aisle."

"What?" Harry turned his gaze from himself to Louis in the mirror faster than light, and Louis did nothing but walk.

"What, what? You're walking with me down the aisle."

"No, I'm not. That's not how it works, Lou."

"Well in an ideal case, mum's dad is supposed to give her away but it's still me taking the role because she claims it had always been us two through all of the things she had to go through when I was little. So, we're not really one for traditions to begin with, are we?"

"But still. I'm not Jay's son. I don't think I have the right to do that."

"Sure you are!" Came the bride's voice just in that moment and Louis gasped before slapping his hands over his eyes.

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