chocolate chip

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Innocent six year old Harry carefully made his way down the stairs, his excitement barely controlled and his face split into two with a wide grin. He ran to his mother's arms, the latter picking him up and making him sit on the tall kitchen aisle.

"Well, good morning."

"Morning, mummy. You look pretty today." Little Harry chimed, much to his mother's delight.

"Thank you, my love. You look very handsome yourself. That t-shirt looks great on you."

"Thanks for buying me it, mumma."

"You're welcome." Young Anne said with a simple chuckle before bringing Harry his breakfast. For a six year old, the boy sure did know a lot and on most days, he was calm and polite. "Are you excited for your very first day of big school, love?" She asked, referring to his first day in Grade 01.

"Yes! I am so excited to share the cookies with everyone. I hope everyone likes it and I make lots of friends!" The little boy exclaimed, momentarily forgetting about his fruit loops and extending his arms to his sides as much as he could while stretching out the word 'lots', emitting a laugh from Anne.

The two shared another moment of laughter before the mother beckoned her son to pay attention to his breakfast. Soon enough, Harry was done with his entire breakfast and jumping on the doormat, waiting for Anne to come down from her and Papa's room to take him to school.

It was a great morning, and Harry was excited about school. He loved seeing new people and making friends and learning new things. He had been a very good student in his preschool according to his Miss Benedict and his mom, so he hoped he would be the same for his new school as well.

"Alright, alright, I'm here. Let's go get you to school, baby."

"Yaayyy." The little boy exclaimed happily and the mother-son duo got into the family's car, driving off to school, the morning sun beaming happily at young Harry, who sat on the passenger seat obediently with a seat belt around him (that was evidently too big for him, but he somehow managed) and a big box of cookies on his lap.

"Mummy, did you count the cookies?"

"I think I made plenty, my love."

"No, you have to count it! What if it's not enough and somebody feels left out?"

"I am pretty sure there is enough for everyone, Harry." Anne said calmly, but the boy still went on to lift the lid off of the box and count all the cookies himself.

"...19, and 20! Yes, there's enough."

"I told you."

"I was just proving you right." Harry countered with a giggle, making Anne laugh as well.

A few excitement-filled, jittery, can-barely-sit-still-in-the-seat minutes later, the duo got to the school, Anne seeing a very ecstatic Harry off and heading off to work while Harry's mind started to analyse the best seat to claim.

He didn't want to sit at the very back. There was a group of kids whose faces he couldn't see and they were loud. He didn't like loud things or people.

So, he took a seat at the front of the class, carefully resting the straps of his Mickey-Mouse themed bag on the back of his chair like he had seen his Papa do with his coats whenever they went out and sat down, looking around and nervously eyeing the kids around him.

He was excited to see so many new faces, but he didn't know how to go up to them and talk. He didn't know them and what if he said something wrong and then they hated him forever? He didn't want that.

A loud laugh cut through his thoughts and he looked behind him to find the source of laughter to be a boy sitting on the last seat in his row. He had very straight brown hair that covered his forehead and bright blue eyes that stood out against the rest of his tan face. Harry felt as if he was lost. Those eyes were unlike anything he had ever seen and he was so interested in knowing who this boy was but again, he didn't want to go up and talk.

The green-eyed boy just figured that he would talk to everyone around him during lunch. The cookies would hopefully make him more likeable to his peers, he deduced and turned around to find a tall woman walking in.

"Good morning, class. I'm Ms Samantha, and I'm going to be your teacher for your first grade."

Harry grinned from ear to ear. Ms Samantha looked like a nice person and he was glad she was going to be his teacher.

Soon enough, lunch came around and the kids that had been quiet thus far were now louder than ever, chatting with their friends and neighbours as they took out their lunches from their bags. Harry shyly walked up to Ms Samantha, and pulled at her fingers to grab her attention.

The woman kindly smiled and kneeled down to Harry's height, waiting patiently for him to speak.

"Yes, Harry. How can I help you, dear?"

"I brought cookies for everyone at lunch and my mum kept it on that table. I can't reach that far because I am still small. Could you please get it for me?"

"Oh, of course. Here you go." She said with another kind smile and Harry turned away after thanking her, making her wonder about how he was one of the only kids she had ever taught who was so polite at such a tender age.

Meanwhile, the action of opening the box of cookies had caused everyone's nostrils to fill with the delicious smell of sugar and dough and they were all watching excitedly as Harry went from person to person and gave them all a cookie along with a bright smile on their face.

Finally, with excitement coursing through his veins from all the 'thank you's and 'let's be friends' he'd received, Harry got to the boy with the blue eyes. The latter looked up from his lunch box and smiled kindly at Harry, who somehow tripped all of a sudden but caught hold of himself at the last second.

"Oops." He muttered, looking at the boy nervously, scared that he would be made fun of.

"Hi." The boy said nicely instead.

"Hello," Harry replied. "Cookie?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you." The boy said with a smile and looked down, calculating which cookie to pick for himself while Harry kept looking at him.

"Harry." He spoke suddenly, still looking at his eyes, and the boy looked up with a confused grin on his face, before finally grasping to the conversation.

"Hi, Harry. I'm Louis."

"Hi, Louis." The boy said with a grin, looking at Louis and his eyes and his big smile and not noticing the fact that the same boy had very slyly sneaked in two cookies instead of one.

Moving forward, Harry still didn't notice anything unusual until he was back at his seat with an empty box and a frown on his face.

How come there were no cookies left? He was so sure he had counted enough for everyone, including himself.

"Hi, why are you sad?" The boy behind him with a round face and brown eyes asked Harry, who simply pointed to the empty box.

"There is none left for me."

"Oh, that's okay. We can share."

"No, no, that is for you. I'll just eat them the next time mummy bakes." Harry tried to deny it politely, but the boy insisted and was soon joined by another boy also with blue eyes (that were pretty but not as pretty as that boy Louis').

Soon, Harry was sitting with two new friends - Liam and Niall - as the three shared cookies as well as their lunch, making Harry forget about how there was somebody who had rudely taken two cookies instead of one. He simply wondered who it could be.


A/N: Can't deal with how cute this fic has turned out, to be very honest with you. What did you think? Let me know. Thank you for reading, I love you.

~ T <3

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