Confessions of a Suckish Writer

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By HollyShmit

"Life's just not worth living," I mutter under my breath. 

"Then how's death worth dying?" Jackson asks in return.


Danielle Forlorm is breathing. And yet, she is very much dead. A corpse with a smile and nobody notices. Nobody knows or even cares that she's felt like a stillborn her whole life. Just like her stories. Dead and not worth a second look.

Until her world collides with Jackson Palmer. Mr Perfect with his easy life and bright future. Or so people think. 

Set on reviving Danielle, Jackson creates a once in a life time bucket list made up from everything daring that Danielle's characters have done in the stories she's written. 

"Stop writing about the life you want to live and start living it.

"But can Jackson bring this stillborn back to life before it's too late?


"This story is not getting a happy ending, Jackson Palmer."

"Well, Danny, at least we'll have quite the adventure before all that."

45 Part Story

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