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On public demand, presenting to you the first bonus chap. This is hands down the longest chapter I have written. Comment as much as you can. Enjoy!

Mahira Khan

"Leave it! Let go right now." I scream at the top of my voice like an uncivilised woman. That's what marriage does to you. Makes you forget all the literacy you spent years gathering, leaving behind a spur of irritation and whole lot of shrillness.

"No! You let go. This is my favourite colour, why do you not want me to wear it?", he sounds equally irritated if not more, tugging the shirt whose sleeve he is holding from the other end, this time a little harshly. Catching me offguard, I crash land directly on his hard chest.

"Don't cross question me all the time. This is not your interrogation room. I say you don't have to wear it, implies you don't wear it. No questions asked." I speak sternly, trying to drive home a point.

"Stop being bossy all the time. It was cute during the initial days of our marriage, now it's just plain annoying", he would never let me have the last laugh, would he? He wouldn't be Mohsin freaking Baig if he did.

" Stop getting physical all the time to convince me. It was hot during the initial days of our marriage, now it's just plain boring", I retort.

He narrows his eyes at me, and I give him a smug expresssion, raising my imaginary collars. The next minute my zipper goes down, revealing my shoulders and he tugs the remaining part of the kurti down as it pools at my feet.

Shit. Why did I have to provoke the beast?

His eyes darkens as they linger on my bosom, bringing to life the darkest shade of hazel that I absolutely adore.

I tap his chest and he instantly works on pulling off his turtleneck tee. My eyes hungrily feast on his broad shoulders. After all these years, and he still owns an impressive body. Hence why I am refusing to let him wear the black shirt that is currently sandwiched between us, if the bedroom eyes that he is giving me are anything to go by, the same shirt is soon going to be dumped in a corner.

His hands sneak around my waist, pulling me more into him. I can feel his bulge growing, a smirk overpowers my lips knowing this ball is already in my court.

I mentally do a mini dance at finally succeeding in my mission, I can't  have all those offfice bitches staring at my man with an open mouth, now can I?

"Oops, is that a hard on developing officer Baig? Sad, isn't it? Nobody to take care of it for you", I snicker trying to get out of his hold.

His hand that was clutching the other end of the shirt leaves it, landing on the curve of my waist, then begins travelling upwards at a tortourously slow pace.

Shit. Looks like I spoke too soon, the game can change anytime now.

A loud breath comes out of me the moment his fingers land on my tits squeezing them under the lacey bra. My eyes are on his changing expression that I only get to witness in the bedroom, if you know what I mean.

I grip his shoulders hard, throwing my head back with a loud moan when his lips replace his hand on my nipple, and I am not even surprised when i realise he has taken off the bra without my notice.

"Mohsin!", I gasp when his hand works on  the other breast while his lips are sucking, biting and licking my breast. His right leg nudges my left one, meaning I have to move backwards towards the left side, these are a few signs we eventually developed to communicate while our mouths are too busy to speak.

I take three steps back and the wall hits my back, I rest my head against it. When he is done with making love my breasts, his lips move down to my stomach and my nether region clenches. But his hands never leave my breasts, continuing to massage and play with them.

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