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3rd Person.

"I hope you know the objective of this meeting, Officer Baig. Inspite of being the Incharge of the department in my absence, how can you indulge in an illegal act? Beating Mr. Husnain to the extent that he had to be hospitalized and without authority was a foolish act in my view. It could directly land you a 6 month suspension", comes the authoritative voice of Altaf Khan, who is full on in officer mode as of now.

But was that supposed to scare Mohsin Baig? A big NO! He sits there, as nonchalant as ever. His striking hazel orbs trained on the desk before him and his posture is relaxed. Though the respect in his slightly bowed head for Altaf Khan is visible, Mohsin is definitely not sweating over the questions being thrown his way.

"Sir! I understand your concern as my senior, but a civilian's life was endangered being in that close vicinity of a criminal."

"But he was not proven one. "

"Sure, Sir. But his connections with Rashid Zara deemed him dangerous enough even before being convicted. We as civil servants have vowed to protect every civilian in times of distress. That's exactly what I was doing, Sir"

Even as he finishes his words, the nonchalance of the situation is clearly written over his face, visible in his demeanor. Perhaps, it is because he happens to be the son-in-law of the man interrogating him. But then again, nothing has ever created a crease on Mohsin's forehead except for his own wife.

Altaf Khan scrutinises the man before him, trying to detect any hints of Mahira's husband in him, but all he is greeted with is a stoic officer with an emotionless face and a powerful aura surrounding him. He then picks up the pen before him, signing off the preliminary enquiry in favour of officer Baig, which was necessary on his part.

Shutting close the file, he gestures his PA to add this one to the pile of closed cases.

"The enquiry against you has been shut closed, officer Baig. You are hereby relieved from your duty for the day. Perhaps, you could use it to spend family time. " The teasing tone does not go unnoticed by Mohsin. Ever since the rukhsati, the dynamics of their relationship has been shifted from formal to fun-going.

With that, officer Baig stands up nodding his head in respect, turns around to leave the room, "Mohsin. I'm proud you for kicking the asshat and protecting my daughter. I'm a proud father in law today"

Mohsin's back stiffens in shock, not expecting a heart to heart with the old man. He veers around catching the pride in his Mamu's eyes, which is something rare. He nods again, for lack of a better response.

He tries to give a crooked smile but ends up making a grimace, like he has been constipated for a week now, which leaves the cold head of CBI in bouts of laughter. The moment Mohsin realises the joke is on him, he sheepishly rubs his neck, another rare sight to see the uptight officer Baig nervous.

The man that did not flinch even once while facing a preliminary enquiry, is now turning red in embarrassment. Why? Because he can't take a compliment. Once Altaf Khan's laughter subsides, he gets up from his chair patting Mohsin's shoulder, smiling widely at him.

"Not that I wasn't sure before, you just proved I chose the right man to play my son in law. Only, if you could work on showing emotions better, married life would be easier, son. "

And yet again, he leaves him in a cloud of thoughts as he puts all of his wits into comprehending what Khan said.
Mohsin thinks along his lines, correlating it to the evening incident that occurred yesterday back home.

He had fallen asleep in the afternoon the first time in years and that's not even the shocking part, on Mahira's bosoms that felt like the softest mattress was the part that he isn't even able to digest himself.

For the first time of many more to come, he was mortified. He could not fathom what bloody fatal drug was he high on to have done something so outrageously emotional. He thanked every holy spirit when he woke up and found her eyes closed, looking like a divine goddess in a peaceful slumber and his heart picked pace when he realized one of her hands was within his hair and the other wrapped around his torso with a tight hold. Her collarbone was inviting, challenging every bit of his testosterone to remain in check. After what seemed like hours of staring at her features, his brain finally understood the gravity of the situation and the next moment he sprung back to his feet, unconsciously tapping his finger on his thigh. He sought refuge in the washroom, finding even a task as simple as splashing water on his face getting more and more difficult because a certain someone's black, lustrous, shiny, long, sexy tresses that kept distracting him.

By the time he is out of the washroom and the apparent trance he was fixed under, another deadly volcano awaits him in the form of pitch black doe eyes blinking innocently at him. Some chord within him struck so hard that the chemical balance of his body and brain seemed to have gone haywire when her tiny fingers wring  and her beautiful eyes look at him hopefully, her tongue twisting to form what he now realises is his favourite word from her mouth.


And there it goes, leaping like a ball down an incline and falling right below her feet. His heart. One word from her and it has the capacity to change his course of action.

He is dumbstruck, hypnotised, dumbfounded and has gone crazy. You name it, he is feeling it. Nothing can compete with the beauty of her lowered gaze, slightly trembling fingers and biting of that luscious lower lip, all signs of the sharm she is feeling under his heated gaze. His feet had automatically taken him to her, as if by default. And then his hands finally hold what they have been craving for for 3 years straight now, her irresistibly alluring locks. Though her hair are unbrushed and slightly wild, but that's what being hypnotized is about. Every crooked weirdness looks enchanting to you. What he does next steals every bit of the remaining sanity Mahira was desperately trying to withhold.

His fingers curl the front locks around them, pulling them sensuously slow and admirably hot, enough to turn her face redder. He pulls her face closer, their noses touching each other's as their eyes close and they become hyper aware of the intoxicating closeness. His lips touch her cupid's bow and he could hear the hitch in her breath as his teeth graze that insane cupid's bow.

Her trembling hands had wrapped around his triceps, trying to take grip of something before she collapses with his overwhelming closeness.

What changed? Just yesterday, he refused to even look my way and today he is behaving like a lovesick fool. How can someone change so much in just one day?

The questions were swirling in her brain. And even in such close vicinity, she couldn't fathom the sudden admiration from him, she would take it for a dream if not her eyes.

"What happened to you overnight? Didn't you hate me until yesterday? Wasn't I too out of your league?" She manages to question amidst the raging hormones. His darkened hazel eyes lose the light immediately as he steps away, coming back to life. It felt like a tour of heaven.

He looks up to see her expecting eyes, waiting for an explanation. But his poker look is back in full form and soticism as we knew was his faith. So in every bit of the Baig swag he walks out, not missing her frowning brows.

How would I tell you I had accepted this union the day we got married? That I was only pretending to be stuck in the chaos because my heart that had  raced like a horse the first time it laid eyes on you was hurt that you would never notice me, not until Amir was in the picture. And even now, I am not supposed to be letting lose, because the only reason you are seeing me is because that asshat is not in the picture.

That pricks more than seeing you with him, spitfire. More than anything.

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