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"But I don't want to go." Seungmin whined to his best friend, Zack, the older whining like the younger as an answer. "Come on Seungmin~ please. You can't let me go alone." The blonde cried out clasping his hands in front of the brunette.

Seungmin frowned and he sighed in defeat, his head banging on the desk with a loud thud. "Fine. But you owe me a months worth of breakfast." Zack cheered and nodded, wrapping his arms around the brunette. "Of course. Of course."

The bell rung and Seungmin sighed getting off the chair with Zack trailing behind him. "Who even is holding this party?" He asked opening his locker. "It's Bryan. His parents are out of town for the weekend and he invited everyone." Seungmin hummed grabbing his books.

"Alright. I'll talk to my dad and see if I can come." Zack nodded and the two friends parted ways. Zack went to math and Seungmin walked into English. He didn't really know anybody in this class so the brunette sat in the very back corner, taking out his phone.

Their assignments were handed to them and Seungmin grabbed a pen from his backpack. English was the easiest subject for him and Mr.P didn't grade so harshly so his answers didn't need to be specific. Just enough to show that he knows something.

Turning in the paper in the black bin across the room, Seungmin had a shit ton of work from his other classes and he turned around bringing out a black folder from his backpack. Taking out his science report and an extra page, the puppy like boy continued writing the part he couldn't finish last night.

Their science teachers was an absolute psycho. Who gives someone a 12 part report due in less than 4 days. And all of the parts had to be a full page, minimum. I'm gonna kill myself. Seungmin sighed but continued writing anyways.

"Dismissed." The bell rang and everyone got out of their seats, Seungmin included. He had science next period and he absolutely hated it. Thank god Zack had it with him as well. "Are you ready?" He sighed. "No."

Zack and Seungmin met their senior year of high school, so this year. The blonde had just moved from Sacramento to Los Angeles and Seungmin was picked to guide him through the school. It was a little awkward at first but then the two found out they had the same music taste and hit it off from there.

Taking their respective seats, Seungmin rested his chin on his palm and Mr.Smith walked in taking a seat. "Alright. Grab a worksheet, googles and paid up with someone close to you."

Seungmin and Zack high fived, the older male going to the lab table and Seungmin grabbing their stuff. Reading the instructions on the paper, Seungmin subconsciously pouted and he put down the sheet of paper. "Okay so apparently we have to mix this solution with this."

In the end the two did not get how to do it but Mr.Smith said they had two days to figure it out. Both of them were smart so they weren't really worried.

"Bye. Make sure to ask your dad and text me." Seungmin nodded walking the opposite direction of his friend. He got on the bus and plugged in his earphones, looking out of the window. Seungmin didn't even realize Bryan took a seat next to him. Not until the football player tried to sit closer to him.

Seungmin frowned and scooted, putting his backpack in between them. Luckily his stop was this one so the puppy boy got up rolling his eyes feeling Bryan's gaze in his ass. Getting off the bus he sighed loudly and walked to his house.

Unlocking the front door, Seungmin put down his stuff and just went straight upstairs. Seungmin had a lot of homework but sleep was more important and he fell face first on the bed and went to dreamland rather quickly.

A call from his father broke him out of his slumber a couple hours later and Seungmin whined looking around. Yawning he washed his face and traveled downstairs seeing his father with his usual poker face. "Hey dad."

"Hi Seungmin." The cold response didn't bother Seungmin and the brunette only shrugged going to the kitchen and opening the fridge door. Taking out some leftovers the puppy boy put it in the microwave and waited for it to get ready.

"Dad." The man looked up. "Can I go to a party tonight with Zack?" Mr.Kim thought hard about it and nodded in the end. "Sure, but be home by 12. You're 17 years old, and I don't want you to be out so late." He nodded a smile blooming on his face.

"Of course dad." Placing the hot tray on the table he held back a wince and took out two plates and a fork. The two started eating in silence but Seungmin didn't mind. His dad was a lawyer and a busy one at that, mom no longer in the picture. She left to Minnesota with her boyfriend after her and Mr.Kim got divorced.

After washing the dishes and putting everything away, Seungmin went upstairs. He took out his binder, a pencil and an eraser before starting to complete the homework he was given in each of his classes. By the end of it, his phone dinged and Zack said he was going to be there in a couple minutes.

Getting off the chair he was sitting on, Seungmin walked to his closet and searched the clothes he had hung. In the end he didn't go for anything too fancy. Just some simple black denim shorts and a white t-shirt to go with it.

Grabbing his phone, wallet and putting on a couple rings on his fingers, Seungmin was out of the door. "Isn't that too short?" Mr.Kim asked stopping Seungmin in his tracks. He turned to his dad. "You look like a girl." Mr.Kim said and Seungmin frowned.

"It's fine dad, it's not even that short." The older Kim hummed and looked at Seungmin before going back to the paperwork in front of him. "It's okay this time but don't let me catch you wearing that again." He nodded and suddenly his entire mood was spoiled.

"Okay bye." Opening the door, Seungmin saw Zack's car parked by the driveway and he got in the older greeting him with a smile. "You ready to party?" Seungmin sighed but smiled, buckling his seatbelt. "Do I have a choice?"

"No. Not really."


a/n: this one is way better ngl. i should've just stared with this

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