19.00 : unstoppable tears

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The festival ended as the clock hit 10pm and the entire hall was emptied starting off with the artists leaving the building entirely. Each had changed into their casual clothings inside of their assigned changing rooms and prepared to leave.

Yein had just waved Niki goodbye before entering her changing room next door, closing the door behind her as she was the last member to enter. She immediately ran up to her phone that she had left behind to finally charge throughout the entire show. Since she was the only IPhone user in their house, it was a pain waiting so long to finally charge her phone with one of the staff's charger. She hadn't really gotten any time to buy one herself hence she was grateful to be on good terms with their workers.

Her fingers tapped across the screen, checking her social medias for any reaction their fans had shared online of their performance. The very moment her eyes had come across a few articles and the trending hashtags on twitter, her jaw fell open. A cheerful squeal was heard, signaling Yein that she was not the only one seeing those posts about their stage.

Their performance was already trending on twitter by multiple fandoms. The reaction was absolutely positive and everyone had seemed to be overly surprised by how well their chemistry in stage had been. She was more than relieved at this point as she pressed her hand on her chest, clenching onto her shirt tightly. They had absolutely loved the surprise stage and she hadn't yet seen any complaints about the choreo. It was just like their director had estimated it would be. It would either get alot of positive recognition for both groups or it would drag the female's down for a few weeks for being seen with the boys.

"Engenes aren't that scary.." She smiled to herself, grateful for the lovely reactions the fans had given them. Her eyes scanned over some posts, letting out small laughs as the boys fans had seemed to have claimed Yein as their girlfriend. She was happy to have been able to give them her best side.

The female's smile faded immediately the second she had opened her messager, wanting to send Niki a message and seeing that he had already sent one, a day ago. She furrowed her eyebrows, feeling her heartbeat fasten as she couldn't recall having texted him before her phone had died. His message was a simple "me too." Meaning she must have sent a statement he'd relate to but she did not text him that day.

Her fingers tapped onto the chat anxiously, opening her eyes wide after having checked what he had responded to. Yein's mouth was now wide open as she slapped her hand over it, dropping her phone to the floor. Her legs eventually gave in, letting her slump onto the chair behind her, grabbing her member's attention with the sound of her butt hitting the wooden seat.

"What's wrong?" Minnie asked, approaching the younger that seemed to have tears in her eyes by now. She watched as Yein's eyes signaled towards her phone on the floor, resulting in Minnie picking it up and letting it drop to the floor again.

"What the fuck!" Minnie yelled, equally as shooked as their youngest.

"What's so shooking that even Minnie cur- Oh my god?" Hana joined the two after lifting the phone up and staring at it in surprise.

"What's going on here?" Seola eventually decided to approach the three, grabbing Yein's phone from Hana and squealing loudly. "This is grea- wait, Yein why are you crying, this is great?" Seola asked, crouching down to the female, whose tears were now streaming down her cheeks.

"I don't know" She replied, sniffing like a baby. "I don't know, they just keep coming" She added, breathing uncontrollably fast inbetween her cries. Seola didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the crying girl, comforting her with regular taps on her back.

"What did I miss..?" Yoon walked in on the scene, unsure how to react towards her crying member. Her eyes changed from looking at Yein and Seola up to stare at Minnie and Hana for answers. The two simply passed her the phone, gaining a small laugh as a reaction. "Didn't we all know he liked her already?" She asked.

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