Masky and Hoody incantation

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🛒 Requirements :

☑ House. No carpet in the room you decide to do this in.

☑ Salt. No specific salt, any salt.

☑ Drawing of slenderman.

☑ Candle. Optional.

☑ Lighter/Match. Optional.

⚠️ WARNING : They will take you once they find the perfect timing to do so. Be very vigilant, I would recommend using it in case you can not see in the dark. ⚠️

Step one:

– Choose any location in the house that does not have any carpets and has an open space. Use your salt to make the Operator's symbol. ( A circle with a X across it) DO NOT MESS THE SYMBOL UP.  at all. Make sure all the light in your house is out except your candle/match/lighter.

Step two:

– With the drawing of Slenderman in hand, sit in front of the symbol on the floor. Rub the drawing then make sure every bit of it is destroyed. Do whatever you have to do when everyone else is asleep.


1. Disrespect them, they can and will kill you.

2. Call them cute or hot, self explanatory.

3. Don't irritate them or get mad if they don't come. Remember they could be busy or just didn't want to come.

Credits go to: hoodid

Creepypasta Spellsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें