Chapter 3: Hell

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Saber's Pov

"For redemption."

"Huh?" He raised his eyebrows .

"You asked me once as to why  do I obey the Holy Grail? In truth, when you suddenly called me out , I couldn't get my thoughts in order. For a long time, I wondered just what was the real reason ? Was it my sense of honour that governed my actions or a sense of duty ? It wasn't . Even though I cherish these ideals more than anything , my heart repudiated such claims to be the cause here. When I was crowned, I had several retainers but one by one , I kept losing their allegiance even though I tried to act as a king should have. In a sense, maybe gilgamesh was right. I was idealistic fool who couldn't separate human feelings of loyalty and mistrust from avarice and selflessness." I closed my eyes.

"When I follow the orders of Holy Grail , it is like following a conduit of chaos and destruction and goodness and virtue at same time. Each time, i choose to fight for my master, it is a gamble , a hope for my honour to coincide with them in their own way. My retainers are no longer present and I can no longer heed to their feelings but now that I am called for a specific purpose, I can keep moving forward as long as I feel the weight of my blade pulling me forward towards light with my master. 

Kiretusu Emiya used despicable means to achieve his ends but even so the only reason I could keep following, was because of his desire coincided with my ideology. The holy grail oftens chooses us servants with master who match our ideology . In a sense, it is a chance of redeeming our own emptiness that we could never fill in our life. Each servant is motivated by his own thought , emotions and past all of which clashes together to get the Holy Grail , the very thing that made it all possible.

So I don't view it as being a servant or simply following orders but going along with the charade that allows me to have such integrated experience and meet knights of honour that I couldn't lay my eyes upon in my lifetime."

He smiled. "I see. So for you, it rather present an opportunity that allows you to be free even after death in a sense then almost as if you are right where you belong."

"I suppose you could say that , Eren." I rolled my eyes.

"Arturia ! I am glad to hear your answer. Let  me ask you a question now!" He leaned closer as I blinked. It wasn't like him to whisper something ....why was he getting so close?

"Let's say you had no choice but to step in hell. You know if you go ahead, then all that will await you is another tell me , will you keep moving forward in hopes that the hell will ever end or will you accept the brutal reality as it is and stay rigid in the path with no such futile hopes knowing that in end , you will achieve the goal that you always longed for?"

His voice sent chills down my spine even though it shouldn't have been possible for me to feel fear from him. But his voice was coiled with an unfamiliar darkness, as if a serpent of hell had cuddled every sheer of his conscience. His green eyes which seemed so bright few moments ago was a allusion of greek fire intent on wreaking havoc, destruction everywhere they set their sights on.

"I will keep moving forward, Eren in hopes that I will find that peace I long for no matter how many hells I might have to go through..."

His smile had faded into a regret, a regret of something that I  couldn't comprehend back then. But as I saw him violently crushing innocent children and civilians in Marley as he fought the War Hammer Titan (Season 4 episode 6), I could understand it now. 

"Would you have chosen a different path if my answer had been different back then.? " I clutched my heart as I unsheathed excalibur from scabbard.


Alternate Earth -2

"Again ! You can't keep skipping them you know?"Bethany hit him lightly.

"Assignment are such a pain though. Like how does our school expect us to deal with 400 assignments in a year ." He sighed.

"You are over exaggerating ! It is 5 assignments per week. If you do each one day , you will still have saturday and sunday free so stop making excuses and get serious about studying ,Orion."

"Ugh fine ! I will do it by tomorrow. Now let me go , class M(ental)Onitor."

"I can clearly hear the sass in your voice. Oh well ! Just go ." She sighed.

Once he was assured that no one was around, he took out his watch and pulled the needle towards right . A blue flame engulfed him as he was transported to a familiar place. In a flash of moment , he was reposed on his silver throne again with his loyal subjects kneeling before him.

"My lord! How was your life ?" Snivelonardotera asked.

"Boring as hell ! I thought that it would actually turn out to be interesting at some point but it was just the same as my life on Earth-1 but even more incessant chores to do. "  Orion grumbled leaning his head on one side of throne.

"That is very regrettable , your grace. I was sure that you would enjoy the mundane routine for a change . "

"Why would you even think so? I have just woken up finally after such a long sleep. Creating world was heck of a pain you know . That was the whole reason I created you guys so that once I wake up, you all would have crafted different world for me , worlds that if I travel to , I could enjoy but so far I have checked two world already and  I am not impressed.  As your Creator , I will offer you one final chance . If the next world that you recommend to me turns out to be boring , then I will recreate you all and restart the multiverse."

A clamour broke among the group at proclamation.

"No need to get so extreme , my lord. I have just the world in mind . It is a world that you are guaranteed to enjoy because of his existence." Snivelonardotera chuckled. He had to be very careful, especially when he placed the billion year seal on him but now that Orion had finally managed to break the seal, Snivelonardotera knew that in terms of strength, he was no match for Orion but even so his lord was a novice ..He was well aware of appetites of his lord , enough to at least stall him till the plan takes place.

He couldn't help but smirk internally as he gazed at latter's naive face who had no idea of hell that awaited him.

"His existence?" Orion raised his eyebrows.

"Yes ! He is the most powerful being in his universe currently and has played everyone like fools. He has a strong desire to even surpass the limits that we have placed on his universe according to Life Accords. The way he is heading , he just might even become powerful as you ..."

"Enough! I want to know who that man is! I don't want to wait any longer...just tell me ...what is his name?"

"His name is Sosuke Aizen , the man who claims that he will stands atop even the heavens one day"

"His name is Sosuke Aizen , the man who claims that he will stands atop even the heavens one day"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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