Chapter 51 MAE DAY

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god, I love it!" I said in a hushed voice rushing in for a closer look.

"So does she. She likes to climb so the ladder is he favourite bit and sometime Suri stays in here with her," he said pointing to the princess palace bed behind me.

"Oh my god," I said again. "I want one!"

He laughed.

"That was Suri's words when she saw it but she has out grown it now."

"What does Suri sleep on?"

He took my hand, making me smile and led me to another room. "I think you will scream with excitement so just remember there are babies sleeping."

I crossed my heart.

He opened the door and I had to cover my own mouth. My eyes fell in love! There it was a cross between princess and stately home. A crown over the bed holding up a net canopy and there was another bed built into the wall like a stage, no doubt Willow stayed in here with her sometimes too. She had a chaise lounge to watch films on or read books... she was so spoilt!

"I'm sleeping in here!" I whispered. "This is beyond heaven!"

"No way, you are sleeping with me," he said making my girl bit tingle. "Come see Bay's room but be warned there is a lion teddy in there. It's quite tame and won't bite," he teased.

"I am sure you can protect me if it tries."

"Yeah I'll rip its fur out," he said making me laugh.

He quietly opened another and there was Bay all snuggled up in a Jungle themed bedroom. I saw the stuffed Lion. I picked it up and gave it a kiss. Lee snatched it, glared at it and punched it before throwing it to the side. I giggled quietly at his display of jealousy.

"He sleeps there too," he said pointing to a Safari Car bed.

"I love it all, I wish you were my dad!" I whispered.

He gave me a strange look.

"Well obviously if I was their age and we were not married," I added.

"Talking of marriage, come on," he said pulling me out and closing the door quietly. "I have to carry you for this one," he said so I put my arm around his neck as he swooped me up like a bride.

"Ohhh I'm excited," I said getting that 'ahhh' feeling in my tummy.

"It's not perfect as I figured you would want to make it your own, well our own, but I know you like that stately look but also quite modern. To pick a neutral colour for a couple was a nightmare so I went with the one colour I know you like," he said and pushed the door open.

I gasped... literally gasped!

"Green like your eyes!" I said way too loud as I saw the most beautiful, warm and inviting room. "Four poster bed! Oh my god a four Poster bed!!! I've always wanted one and..." I couldn't help myself. I planted a big wet sloppy kiss on him as he carried me in and dropped me to the floor.

I caught something out the corner of my eye.... noooo... it can't be!

"Is that a..." I rushed into the next room. "A claw footed bath!"

"Shhh," he said giggling as I covered my mouth.

I rushed around touching everything, the bedposts, curtains, bedding, side table, dressing table... and then... my husband.

I pulled him towards me but kept backing up to the bed so he knew my intentions. Yes I knew Suri was asleep and being whammied but they would never hurt her and she was out of control. Plus I assume she has a back up plan. She is far too clever to be totally powerless.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara