Story 6- The Pen

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Y/N=Your Name
C/N=Crush's Name
Y/F/C=Your Favourite Colour
C/F/C=Crush's Favourite Colour
Y/H/C=Your Hair Colour
C/H/C=Crush's Hair Colour
Y/E/C=Your Eye Colour
C/E/C=Crush's Eye Colour
Y/F/C=Your Favourite Colour
C/F/C=Crush's Favourite Colour


You sat down on your chair. It was the first period, and it was maths, your most hated subject. Your teacher also hated you, since you usually did not do homework. You then sighed, and waited paitently for you teacher, unlike the other students who were chattering by themselves, and some of them were on their phones.

Just then, C/N walked in the classroom, looking at you with a smile. You stared at him as he sat down beside you, since you two sat beside each other. You blushed profusely as he mustered a sweet smile at you. Then, another teacher walked in. It was not your Math teacher.

"Alright students, your all allowed to do whatever you want, your Math teacher isn't here, so just keep your voice down," announced the teacher.

You then sighed another sigh of relief. You took out your phone and earphones, so your classmates would not hear the audio from your phone. You scrolled through tik tok, and most of it was practically about POVs, since you usually watched about POVs for C/N and yourself.

You then felt a slight tap from your right, and it was C/N. He handed you a note.

Hey Y/N. Can we meet up near the fountain at the back of the school? I need to pass you something.

You then looked at C/N. You signalled a thumbs-up, indidicating yes.

After School

You waited paitently for C/N. Suddenly, you felt someone hugging you from behind, and by someone, C/N. You turned behind, seeing C/N near your face. He chuckled with a kinda blush, and backed off.

"Hey Y/N. I just wondered if you remembered that one pen you gave me in Grade 3?" he asked.

Flooding memories of you and C/N during Grade 3 came rushing in. You suddenly remembered the Hello Kitty pink pen you gave C/N to borrow, since C/N lost his pen that day.

Grade 3 Flashback

"C/N, where's my pen? You promised to give it back today, ya' know?!" you asked.

"Sorry Y/N, I think I lost it..." C/N scratched his head.

"C/N!! You do know it was part of a limited edition pack, right?! Now I can't buy it anymore. It's now all your fault now, C/N, now I am missing a black pen from my collection...! You suck, C/N!" you insulted C/N, feeling upset.

End Of Flashback

"Uhm, Y/N? You there?" C/N asked, bringing you back to the present.

"Oh sorry, I was just zoning out a bit," you answered.

"But yeah, I do remember the pen."

"So, I got a present for you!!" C/N exclaimed with happiness, smiling.

"What is it, C/N? I can't wait any longer!" you answered with mock anger.

C/N passed you a box with a paper-covered thing around it.

"Open it, Y/N!" C/N said.

You opened it, expecting a random eraser, since C/N had a collection of erasers, and he had many duplicates of each of them and gave them randomly to any person, enemy, friend, teacher, even the principal!

You then saw a pink Hello Kitty pen that looked exactly like yours when you were Grade 3. You looked at C/N, feeling shocked on how he got the pen.

"C/N!? How did you get this!? It is a limited-edition pack, and if you bought the whole pack, it must be expensive, since it is a limited-edition!" you asked with amazement.

"Well actually, it is actually your original pen, Y/N. I found it in one of my pencil holders," answered C/N.

You were amazed. C/N found your pen, your most favourite pen. You were shocked. The pen ink was not even dried yet! You looked at C/N who was kind of blushing.

"I have another thing..." C/N said.

"What's up, C/N?" you asked, noticing C/N getting closer to you.

He grabbed your hips and held your face, near to his lips. You looked at C/N with suprise as you felt his soft lips touch yours. You gasped and just went along with it.

He then stopped and whispered to your ears.

"I like you. W-Will you be my... girlfriend, Y/N?" asked C/N, sounding embarassed.

"I like you too. I will be your partner," you replied as you both kissed again.

woohoo! more soon! <33 have a good day everyone!!

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