He decided to take a picture of it so he has proof and the two didn't even seem to mind. On the way home, he didn't know what to do. He wants Hye-ji to know. But Hye-ji will be hurt and he didn't want that. But he also know that she will be more hurt if he won't tell her. So he is going to tell her. 


*knock *knock

Hyun-jin knocked on Hye-ji's door. It's just the two of them home. "Can I come on baby sis?" He asked. When he heard a yes, he opened the door and sat on the bed where his sister laid.

"I want to tell you something important. You need to know this. I saw Dong-min with another girl." He said, straight to the point. The girl sighed, disappointed.

"You're not the first one who told me that." This shocked him. "What?!" He said.

"I thought you like him for me? What are you doing right now? You're hanging with Su-hyeok too much. Did he tell you that he saw Dong-min with another woman too? Is that where you got that idea?" She asked him, sitting up.

"Su-hyeok already told you that he is cheating? And you didn't believe him?" Hyun-jin asked, angry that he didn't know about that. If he knew about this sooner, he wouldn't have let Dong-min date his sister. He noticed Hye-ji look down.

Flashback (1 month ago)

"Dong-min." Hye-ji called, making Dong-min look at her, confused. "Why?" He asked.

"Are you cheating on me?" She asked. Su-hyeok told her on their lunch period that he saw Dong-min with another girl yesterday so he decided to tell her. Hye-ji told him that that was impossible because Dong-min told her that he was not feeling well.

"Where did you even get that idea? Do you even see me hanging out with other girls? Can you even hear yourself? Where did you even get that idea? You're being annoying again." Dong-min answered, anger flashing in his eyes.

"But, Su-hyeok told m-" She didn't get the chance to finish her statement because Dong-min grabbed her hair. "Su-hyeok again? Maybe YOU are cheating on me?" He hissed.

"No. I'm sorry. I just thought that he won't lie-" Once again she was cut off. "Stay away from him. He is corrupting you." Dong-min said, pushing Hye-ji to the floor.

After that, even though Su-hyeok is one of her closest friends, she avoided him a little. Not wanting to anger Dong-min more.

End of Flashback

As Hye-ji was telling Hyun-jin about that, he took notice of the bruises that was almost all over his twin's arms and wrists. He wanted to cry. He was not able to protect her. He was not there for her. He didn't know. 

He took out his phone, without a word. Going to his gallery and showing his twin the picture she took. The girl looked at the picture, shocked. Su-hyeok told her the truth? Dong-min was the one who lied? She lost a friend because of Dong-min...

Since when did she became so stupid? So naive? How did she come to this point? She has no one to blame but herself. She's hating herself.

Hyun-jin and Hye-ji talked the whole evening. Everything they both needed to know. By 9:00 P.M. they haven't even eaten yet. But they finished talking. They are just cuddling with each other. 

"We need to tell our parents about this. They will take care of it okay?" He said. Just after he finished saying that, they heard Soo-young outside.

"Kids!! Where are you? Have you eaten yet?" They heard their mom, making them sit up straight, remembering they haven't eaten yet.

The two kept silent the whole dinner with their parents. And they took notice of it. After eating, the twins started speaking.

After that, the parents immediately called their friend who is a lawyer. Soo-young is crying while hugger her daughter and Kyung-ho is angry. They are going to do everything so that Dong-min will rot somewhere away from their children.

A few weeks after Dong-min's expulsion from school, Hye-ji's class had a project which will be done by partner. It just so happened that she became partners with Nam-ra. That is where they started their friendship. Which will soon grow stronger.

The twins never saw Dong-min again. the parents took care of it. They also had Hye-ji go under therapy. Sure, it helped, but sometimes she can just see Dong-min. She feels like someone is watching her even if there was no one. Sometimes before sleeping she will feel like someone is watching her. Sometimes when she close her eyes, she will remember how he used to hurt her.

'It's your fault!' The voice of Dong-min kept repeating on her mind.

Stupid photographic memory.


~Hello everyone. It's Stacey. I just hope everyone is doing well. This chapter was hard for me to write because I really didn't enjoy writing things like this. But anyways, stay safe everyone! Be happy! 

I won't be able to update tomorrow, so I decided to upload another chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

Love y'all!~

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