3 am conversations • Pope •

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The gang was inside leaving Pope and I alone outside on the hammock.

Pope's foot is on the ground rocking us back a fourth my foot is on the other side doing the same.

"It's so pretty." I mumbled. "What is?" "The stars. I mean look at them." I pointed my hand up. "Their so mesmerizing."

I heard Pope slightly laugh making me sit up. "I'm serious! They each could probably tell a story." "I bet." "Maybe one of them has a romantic tale."

"Y/n, your going into your delirious state." I huff and slid next to him. "I'm being serious Pope." "So am I."

I rolled my eyes and continued to stare at the stars.

"I mean each one has a purpose. Each one has a story. I mean everyone says 'reach for the stars' which star do you think they where talking about?"

"I don't know y/n. I'm to tired to think." "Okay that's not possible your always thinking." His laughter shook the hammock slightly.

"Fine judge me all you want." "I never judge you." I looked down at his soft features his eyes studied my face.

"Why not? Everyone else does?" "Y/n you just have a different view on things. Some say that's weird but I think that makes you one of a kind."

"Why should everyone be the same? We all live different lives, like different things. But we all have one goal in life."

"Oh yeah and what's that?"

"To reach for the stars of course." I shrugged like it should have been obvious.

"People laugh at me cause I'm 'different' I laugh at them cause their all the same."

"I will never understand why people laugh at you y/n. You're perfect." He put his soft hand on my cheek. "I'm far from perfect Pope. I'm imperfectly perfect." "Your something alright."

His hand lowered to my neck pulling me down. His lips touched mine, it's like my body went into shock.

All I saw were the stars. My stomach felt queasy but amazing all the same.

Words 350

Multi fandom ~one shots & imagine Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang