"Yesssuh." Anura said causing Jessie to chuckle, they shopped some more and went to another shoe store, as Anura walked through the store she bumped into someone's hard chest.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry-" she looked up at the person she bumped to and noticed that it was Trey, she squealed and jumped into his arms.

"Trey!" He laughed and wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly, they pulled away from each other.

"Hey what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm shopping." She said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes but smiled at her loving her sassy attitude, He looked her over, Anura looked completely different from the last time he's seen her, her face wasn't swollen and slightly bruised up for once and she had a genuine smile plastered on her face, could it be that Dave has finally changed for the good of their relationship, but that thought quickly slipped out his mind when he heard a masculine voice calling Anura's name, Trey turned around and saw a light skin male with a beard beckoning Anura to come to him.

"Oh Trey I gotta go, text me okay?" She said and he nodded, she gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek and walked over towards Jessie who had his hand out for her which is what they typically do when they're around each other, but Trey doesn't know that so he began assuming the worst. Trey watched Anura walk off deep into the store with the man hand in hand, he frowned he too couldn't believe that Anura is with another man while with Dave or maybe she already left Dave for another man, he knew that this would happen if Dave didn't get his shit together, he knew that if he continued being and asshole towards her that she'd finally have enough and leave him, and now that it's finally happened he didn't know how to react to it, he didn't know whether to be happy for Anura or be upset for Dave.

Trey shook his head and left out the store, today he was actually supposed to be meeting Dave at the studio, but right now after what he just seen he doesn't think that he could face Dave without telling him what he's saw.

Dave's POV

I picked up my pencil and started looking over my notes, as I skimmed through them memorizing the lyrics I heard a knock at my door, I looked over at it and in entered Trey. "Hey man, about time." I said dapping him up.

"My bad, I had to stop by the store." He took a seat next to me and sighed, I looked over at him, by the look on his face there seemed to be something bothering him.

"You good bro?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm good, let's get started." He said I nodded and got up from my seat entering the booth with my journal, I placed on the headphones and walked up to the mic.

Oh, we ain't friends no more?
Why you won't listen no more?
Damn, I let a good girl go
Away, away, away, I've been
All around the world and I've been lookin' for you, searchin'
You deserve it 'cause you're perfect (perfect)

I wrote this song two years ago when I my love for Anura was still there, I saw potential in it but I gotten so consumed with work and my life I never had time to perfect it, and now I finally have, I continued to rap to the lyrics while the music was playing, after I was done I took the headphones out, Trey gave me a thumbs up and I walked out the booth."how was it?" I asked taking my seat.

"That shits fire man, kinda was reluctant at first but don't you think the song would be even better if you featured anyone?"

I nodded seeing where he was coming from." Yeah I totally agree, that was the plan at first but I couldn't think of anyone." I said.

"Don't worry I'm going to make a few calls."

"Bet." I said smiling, I could always count on Trey to come through, after that we started listening to the music figuring out good beats we could use to perfect the song, while we were doing that I heard a knock on my door and in entered my secretary who worked at the studio, she walked over to me with a big smile and handed me my Burger King bag that I asked her to buy me.

"Thank you baby." I told her giving her a small slap on her ass, she giggled flirtatiously and blew me a kiss, she greeted Trey and left out the door leaving us alone.

"Umm what was that?" Trey asked, I looked at him with a raise brow.

"What?" I asked.

"Why did you just slap her ass?" He asked with a frown plastered on his face.

"Because I can? Plus she doesn't even mind that I do it."

"Yeah but you got a whole girl friend." He said causing me to scoff obnoxiously, Anura is not my girlfriend she lost that title a long time ago, she's just a women that lives with me who cooks and cleans for me, I only keep her around because she's useful.

"Aye look man-" Trey got off his seat and grabbed his belongings." I'm telling you this right now as a warning, if you continue doing what your doing another man is going to come in and snatch Anura right from under your hands and it'll be to late for you to do anything about it, you've already lost her emotionally don't lose her physically because when the mind leaves the body follows." He said causing me to scrunch up my face at him, ain't no way in hell Anura is leaving me, she didn't leave me before and she's not leaving me any time soon, what he was telling me was very suspicious.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just treat your girl right man, and stop hoeing out here dawg, do me this one favor." And after that he left me in the room with my thoughts, could it be that Anura is cheating on me? Is that what he means? Nah impossible, Anura loves me to much to ever think about cheating on me let alone leaving me, I am her first love and I've got her on complete lock down.

I spent a few more hours at the studio when I was finally done I grabbed my things preparing to leave, as I walked out the door and towards my car I heard my notifications go off multiple times, I pulled out my phone and looked at the text message I received and it was from Ai.


"I told you to leave that bitch." And what followed that message was a bunch of pictures of Anura seated at a restaurant table with another man, smiling brightly, I felt my blood boil as I looked over all the pictures, I looked at them in complete disgust, I couldn't believe what Trey said actually happened, who would've thought that she'd finally grow some balls and disrespect me like this, I quickly got into my car and sped off trying my best not to crash my car into anything but I was so pissed to a point where all I could see was red.

She was going to definitely get it for disrespecting me like this, I wish I could see how the guy looked like but Ai only sent me pictures of the guys back but I could definitely see Anura's, I wanted to ask Ai how in the fuck did she get those pictures but I'll get to the bottom of that later right now I needed to get home and beat Anura's ass.

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