Prologue 2

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Liu looked at me and smiled.

These days have been better than the time before, and it's to my belief that we both are able to agree on that.

I had finally felt more comfortable with how I am and the life I lead, or am choosing to lead.

Of course, things still get bad. Pretty terrible, even.
But that all couldn't possibly compare to the moments when everything feels alright.

I just quietly watched the sun come up, starting to feel a little weary.

Though there have been nights when I wasn't capable of falling asleep no matter how I tried, having the possibility of having another nightmare stopping me, I've been tired, and even exhausted, much less then expected.

Still, I successfully fought off the urge to yawn, and just laid my head on the grass right next to Liu, as I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

The girl, yet again, partly awoke from the dreams she's been having for quite some time now.

Opening her eyes, having no idea about what's going to happen just in the same day, she, once again, couldn't have remembered anything from the time she spent with him in the Dream World.

With every night, the images in her sleep differ, but ultimately, they are all the same.
They are all about the same person.

Of course, she's going to start her day, more than just clueless.

Though, her entire life here is about to change very soon.

"Hey, falling asleep already? It's only morning," I could hear him giggle just on time, seconds before I passed out, which made me smirk a bit just before I opened my eyes again, seeing him.

"Mhm," I murmured, close to being half asleep, closing my eyes again.

"I didn't sleep for days," I said, finally not able to ignore the need to yawn.

"Yeah, me neither, and I don't have a problem being awake," I could feel him poke me almost out of nowhere, which made me squeak a bit, as his touch came to me as unexpected.

"Hey, I'll have to get inside, before he gets worried. We've been out for too long," I heard him say, sighing.
The choice of his words made me open my eyes again and stand up.

"I'll go as well. I haven't talked to him much lately, it seems like he's been avoiding me," I told him as I, along with Liu, took several steps towards our destination.

"Yeah, well, my brother gets quite moody. One moment he's excited to meet you again, and the other he changes his mind," he giggled quietly. "He sometimes gets like that. It's even with me, especially after he..." I could see him look into the sun for a moment, making me wonder what is going on in his head.

I was almost sure I knew what he was thinking of and remembering, but it's something he has already forgiven him for.
Of course, I didn't expect him to be completely alright with what had happened in the now past.
But, he no longer wakes up crying and screaming.
I thought he was better.

"Nothing, nevermind. Everything's okay," he immediately looked at me, almost as if mentally pushing away bad thoughts, giving me a positive smile, managing to make me believe what he has said.
"I'm okay now. We're okay now," he said, calmly.

"I'm glad," I've told him, paying close attention to our surroundings.

"Me too."

BROKEN HEARTS (Homicidal Liu Soulmate AU) 1Where stories live. Discover now