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(Author's note:
Although this is a part of the story, it will not be directly mentioned again anytime soon. If that clears up any possible confusion.)


Alivia's point of view

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Alivia's point of view

I took a quick look around the room we were in to see June still staring at me with her eyes filled with worry.

This wasn't gonna end good, and I knew.

It's something I didn't wanna show. I couldn't. I didn't have the courage to, as I knew the second I did, I'd break down in tears, falling to my knees, and that would be the moment they all would know more than well that I cannot go through with it.

After a moment already spent in terror as I was constantly with my thoughts of the upcoming time spent stuck with Liu, I still didn't feel any better.
Better yet, it was getting worse.
And I didn't know what to do with it.

"Are you ready?" I could hear someone else ask, as they were almost close enough for me to be capable of feeling their breaths on my skin.

Pain is what I could have felt and sensed from his breath itself. With every word he said, I knew for a fact he wasn't sure either.

He could've been more worried or possibly even scared than me. Than almost anybody.

"We don't have a choice," I could feel somebody else grabbing me by my hand, seeing him looking me straight in the eyes.

Worry. Fear.

I could feel his brown hair gently touching the skin of my face as his green eyes were telling me he isn't prepared as well.

No one is.

"Okay, I'm aware I've already said this more than enough times, but guys, this is really not gonna be fun. Everything is gonna be more difficult than you think," I could hear June tell us as soon as she took a few steps towards us, looking directly at me.

"We don't have a choice, June," he said to her, but was still looking at me.

Though his touch was calming more than I'd like to admit, I still doubted anything that was going to happen.

I didn't know what all will happen, and I didn't, for a second, think I was at all ready for any of it.

The feeling of fear and nervousness couldn't stop causing me to feel like I was going to die at any time, though that wasn't likely to happen.
I, even, knew more than well that was impossible. For some time, at least.

"Yes, but if that's what you're gonna be focused on, that you don't have a choice, then it's gonna be ever harder. You may not make it. I don't know if you can, or even are going to be willing to, fix all the mistakes both of you are going to make. You need to focus on the good. You're not exactly hating each other, are you? So, what's so bad with being together? I know it's scary, but I want you to believe you can make it," she was looking at us, her emotions not leaving her eyes and face expression. "All this talk about this being a necessity..."

I just don't wanna be stuck.

"Yeah, I'm ready. It's up to her," he turned round slightly, looking around the room, having his sight fall on anybody other than me.

I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth, but I knew for a fact he is scared.

Who wouldn't be.

I wasn't even sure if I was going to remember any of this. Maybe, ever.

But I definitely will one day.

I'll have to.

We'll have to.

I hope.

One part of me believed him when he said he is ready, but somehow, I couldn't help but doubt him.

I was already supposed to feel if he is, or that's what I thought. The truth is, I currently had close to no idea, apart from what is the most likely situation. I couldn't feel if he was ready or not.

Nor if he wanted to.

I could see June look at him with disbelief.

If she didn't think he was really ready, he most likely wasn't.


I was supposed to know exactly how it will work, but I didn't.

Maybe I'll know exactly how he feels after it's completed, but maybe I won't.

Before, I wasn't told much. And this has came quicker than a lightning.

I was scared of the promise of forever.

Who wouldn't be.

I was making the decision to put on a brave face for the promise of maybe.

Maybe we'll make it right.
It's not necessary that we'll mess up.

And if it's to help somebody else, I'm fine with that.

But my inner strength is lacking.

"I don't care. We don't have enough time to prepare, and because of how much this all means, we probably would never be prepared anyway. I'll do it," I told them almost through gritted teeth, but through the unstoppable anxiety I was still capable of smiling.
With each word I've said, I could feel myself break more.

Even earlier, I could always feel him.
Knowing this is about to be always worse, I genuinely thought I wanted to back out. And that's something I wouldn't actually be able to do.
He would not forgive me for it.

This time, I really will not be able to get rid of him.

Of anything.

I really wasn't ready.

And if we hurry too much, it all may come crumbling down.

But there wasn't the time to think. And we were running out of the rest of the seconds we had to make the decision that was already forced to be decided.

"Liu?" she called my soulmate by his name, getting his attention that way.

He nodded in silence, making me feel extremely dizzy, almost as if every planet ever was suddenly turning at a rapid pace, managing to get me to fall to my knees as I was holding my head from what was very close to unimaginable pain.

The seconds before I have lost all consciousness, I could still hear the voices of many others, and see Liu hitting the ground on his own as well.

The seconds before I have lost all consciousness, I could still hear the voices of many others, and see Liu hitting the ground on his own as well

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
BROKEN HEARTS (Homicidal Liu Soulmate AU) 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang