Chapter 3

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This fanfic includes characters who I have personally made up, such as Sam(Samantha). Nothing is like the real Degrassi in this hence why Eli is friends with other people and Maya is not dating Cam.. Enjoy! Plus, Teresa is also a made up character (How Obvious).

English was boring and the glaring, devil eyes from Tori were hilarious. Sam and Cam spoke to me alot but I only focused on getting Eli afterwards.

The bell rang and I waited outside my class

"Hey again, are you stalking me?" said Eli, right on time.

"Funny, I was gonna ask you the same question!" I replied with sarcasm.

"How was English?" he asked, interested.

"Um, okay I guess.."

I held back the urge to admit that all I thought about was getting him after class.

"Well it's lunch now. What you gonna do?" he asked.

"I don't know, probably just play with my phone at a table." I said sadly.

"Sit with me if youd like.. I don't think my friends are around." he smiled and it was contagious.

"Sure. Thanks, Eli."

Was I beginning to "like like" Eli? Was he beginning to "like like" me?! Ugh. I sure hope so. We got to the cafeteria and Eli was shocked to see his friends keep a seat for him, I reckoned I could tag along. He never said a word and walked over to the table with his friends and sat. I just followed 

him but then one of his friends stopped me.

"Woah, niner. You're not sitting here. Grade 12's, strictly." said the boy.

I looked at Eli to see if he'd stand up for me.

"Yeah, goth girl. Scram. We don't accept "Minor Niners"." said Eli. He had a sorry look in his eye.

I thought I had made a friend but obviously not. He flirted with me almost! His whole school play must be a lie. I shook my head at Eli and walked away and sat alone. He kept looking over and I avoided eye contact. My early friendship with Eli was over. Trust no-one.

The lunch bell rang and I walked on asking people for directions to Religious Studies. Then Eli came up to me when his friends had fled.

"Hey, Teresa. I'm sor-"

"Save it, Eli. Don't bother speaking to me. Alright?"

"C'mon Teresa, please?"

"You screwed shit up, asshole. Run along with your friends and leave the "minor niner" to find her class.

"It's not like that Teresa -"

"Sure it is, Eli. Sure it is." I stormed away hearing Eli call my name but I avoided the call.

Now.. too find my class

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