Chapter 2

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This fanfic includes characters who I have personally made up, such as Sam(Samantha). Nothing is like the real Degrassi in this hence why Eli is friends with other people and Maya is not dating Cam.. Enjoy! Plus, Teresa is also a made up character (How Obvious).

Theatre had finished and I stood outside of the class waiting on Eli.

"Hey, niner. Who you waiting on?" said Eli coming towards me in the corridor.

"Just an annoying Grade 12 who's supposed to be showing me around and not bullying me." I said playfully, poking his shoulder.

"Ooo, harsh." he replied winking.

I must admit, Eli was handsome. His eyes sparkled and his hair was so messy - it was almost sexy. The way he dressed was just so dark and mysterious and it was hot as hell. I should probably keep those feelings to myself though.

"Your next class m'lady?" he said walking forward.

"English." I said with a sarcastic smile.

Eli left me outside English, once again reminding me that he would come and get me. I walked in class to see a teacher who wasn't really caring about the happenings of her class. Next to the only empty seat was a girl with brown hair and shiny blue eyes sitting on what seemed to be her boyfriend's knee.

"New girl, what's up? I'm Sam, and this is Cam." said the girl, she introduced her boyfriend as cam.

"Matching names, how cute. I'm Teresa." I replied.

"My name's Samantha and this is Campbell." she said with a laugh.

I then smiled and sat down when a boy approached me and leaned over my desk.

"Hey, you're the new girl. You sure are hot. I'm Zig. Zig Novak." said the boy.

"Yeah, I'm the new girl. Hot is a temprature, not a compliament and I'm Teresa."

"Fiesty. I like it!" he said with a smile and a wink.

A girl with curly brown hair soon came behind him, grabbed him and started kissing him infront of me. She then stopped and looked at me, almost looking for a reaction.

"I'm Tori. Zig's girlfriend. So back off goth girl."

"One, I don't give a shit. Two, your boyfriend is the one who called me hot. Three, get out of my face unless you want me to make this personal, pagent queen." I threatened with a snarl.

"You say pagent queen like it's an insult, Goth Girl." she said, flicking her hair.

"Goth Girl is the allmighty compliament. Where as, pagent girl is definatly not."

She walked away and I couldn't help but murmur "bitch" under my voice.

"Ignore her. She's a bitch." said Sam.

"You're right, Sam." I said relieved.

I don't take shit from anyone and I didn't like Tori already.

"You made friends yet?" asked Cam.

"Only a guy named Eli." i said calmly.

"Eli Goldsworthy! You two are P E R F E C T!" said Sam, excited.

"He's only my guide, Sam. Don't worry." I laughed.

And then.. The English lesson began.

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