ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12: ғᴀɪʀ

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The state fair is a vibe. Happy people are here with their love ones, friends, & family. The delicious faint smell of freshly baked funnel cake lingered in the air. The loud echo screams from the huge rides echoed in the background. The joyful noise from happy kids receiving their prize from the rigged games. Unfinished soda thrown on the ground. Cigarette buds, spit, & vomit. Aesthetic vibes...

"Do you want a turkey drumstick?" Uncle Tony asked out of the blue.


After we ate at the fancy restaurant, we went straight to the state fair. It was late in the evening when we arrived here. We've been here for three hours straight. I went on some rides, played a few games, & won some prizes. I never went to the state fair before. Although, i have been to the circus before. This is way better than the circus. I don't have to deal with the elephant shit smell. Or kids crying because they can't get any candy. I looked over to the table where the others were sitting at. They were talking to each other like a family & acting like one. They get along so well. The Jackson Family are so stubborn. They have no problem arguing but hates talking to each other. If it's not about business, don't say anything. That's their favorite motto to use in situations. I rarely have a conversation with them because I don't want to talk about business. I want to talk about anything expect for business.

I thanked Uncle Tony for the giant turkey leg & walked back over to the others. They were gambling money & playing dice on the table. They were cursing at each other & screaming. A few people gave us the stank look before walking pass us. Another thing I like about these people is that they don't care. People could give them the middle finger directly in the face & they wouldn't care. Nonchalant behavior, I like that.

"Ah shit! Give me my $20!" Uncle Kirk exclaimed.

"Fuck yo $20!" Uncle Damon exclaimed back.

"Can I get a piece of that drumstick, darling?" Diamond asked.

"Sure." I passed the drumstick over to her. She took a small bite from the side & handed it back over to me.

"Look at all the prizes that you've won. How are we going to fit all of this in the car?" Aunt Rose laughed.

"Stuff in the trunk." Uncle Tony said.

"Do you want to go on any more rides, Princess?" Prince asked.

"I think I've been on every ride."

"What about the Love Tunnel?" Pearl questioned.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. Can we go on that one?"

"Sure." Prince grabbed my hand & lead me to the Love Tunnel. I took a bite from my drumstick as we got in the love booth. We were fasten up good & tight. The ride slowly went forward towards the dark tunnel. At first there was pitch darkness, but then light came on above us.

"This is my first time riding the Love Tunnel."

"I've been on this ride plenty of times. I have so many memories here." Prince smiled.

A cupid with a love arrow flew across our heads. A animatronic couple was hugging each other on the side of us. Two angels came side by side & dropped a huge red blanket over our laps. There was a giant heart in the middle.

Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss {Prince Rogers Nelson}Where stories live. Discover now