Chapter Sixteen - The normality of him

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"You should go," he told her, still looking around for any sign of Rafe.

"Tell Kiara I'm sorry, I'll see you guys later."

She made her way back home, hoping to submerge herself under her bedcovers and forget everything. She longed for sleep, and anything that was able to rid her of her restlessness. Her eyes felt like sandpaper every time she blinked and her bones felt weak.

It was all that thinking she had been doing; her racing thoughts prevented her from resting until she analysed the situation to its fullest extent but despite it all, her biggest question still remained unanswered.


Just as she was about to turn the door knob of her front door to let herself in, she was abruptly snatched away.

A hand grabbed her shoulder and the other on her mouth to keep her quiet as she squirmed and tried her hardest to kick free. Was she being kidnapped?

Suddenly, she was pushed up against the wall on the side of her house. The hand remained on her mouth and she looked up to see Rafe shushing her with a finger on his lips. She grabbed his hand to free her mouth and pushed him off of her.

"What the fuck?" she exclaimed, gasping for air and placing her hands on her knees, panting.

"You have to get off the island," he told her, walking closer to her.

"Excuse me?"

"Go now, buy a ticket and return tomorrow morning."

She squinted her eyes in confusion, concluding that there was no reasonable explanation for this.

"Are you high?"

He threw his head up to look at the sky in frustration, sternly returning to look at her.

"Fine, I'll come with you then."

He grabbed her hand, not her wrist or her arm, but her hand and dragged her rapidly throughout town to reach the ferries.

"Just tell me what's going on," she begged him, struggling to keep up with his pace and almost tripping over a few times.

The tickets were all booked, everyone was keen to get off the island until the power returned - thanks to Hurricane Agatha.

Though there were no tickets left, Rafe managed to sneak them on and hide in the electrical storage room, finally letting go of her hand.

"If I don't get an explanation in 10 seconds..."

"I can't say just yet, all you need to know is that you're better off not on the island right now."

The room was rather small and they both stared at each other, the events of last night settling in. After a few moments, Rafe had sat down on the floor, looking off to the side; Lana copied him and took a seat next to him, their arms touching.

He turned to look at her, feeling surprised that she was still attempting to communicate with him; he had the impression that last night was something she'd regret. Did she?

"Why?" she began, her voice soft like a single rose petal separated from the flower.

He had to think about his answer; more importantly, what was she referring to?

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now